The effect of oscillating low intensity magnetic field on the Na(+), K(+), Ca(++), and Mg(++) concentrations in the maternal and fetal circulation of the dually perfused human placental cotyledon
[Die Wirkung eines oszillierenden schwachen Magnetfeldes auf die Na(+), K(+), Ca(++), und Mg(++) Konzentrationen im mütterlichen und fötalen Kreislauf des doppelt perfundierten menschlichen Placenta-Keimblatts]
Lopucki M, Czekierdowski A, Rogowska W, Kotarski J
Touitou Y et al.
Long-term (up to 20 years) effects of 50-Hz magnetic field exposure on blood chemistry parameters in healthy men
Ulku R et al.
Extremely low-frequency magnetic field decreased calcium, zinc and magnesium levels in costa of rat
Lopucki M et al.
Low dose magnetic fields do not cause oxidative DNA damage in human placental cotyledons in vitro
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