Study type: Epidemiological study (observational study)

Residence near high voltage facilities and risk of cancer in children epidem.

Published in: BMJ 1993; 307 (6909): 891-895

Aim of study (acc. to author)

A case-control study was conducted in Denmark to investigate whether residence near to high voltage facilities increases the risk of childhood cancer.

Endpoint/type of risk estimation

Type of risk estimation: (odds ratio (OR))



Exposure groups

Group Description
Reference group 1 not exposed
Group 2 magnetic field strength: < 0.10 µT
Group 3 magnetic field strength: ≥ 0.10 µT
Group 4 magnetic field strength: 0.10 - 0.24 µT
Group 5 magnetic field strength: ≥ 0.25 µT
Group 6 magnetic field strength: 0.10 - 0.39 µT
Group 7 magnetic field strength: ≥ 0.40 µT


Case group

Control group

Study size

Cases Controls
Eligible 1,707 4,788
Statistical analysis method: (adjustment: )

Results (acc. to author)

About 0.5 % of Danish children lived in residences with magnetic fields of 0.1 µT and above. Since 1945 the electricity consumption increased 30-fold in Denmark, whereas the incidence rates of childhood cancer have changed hardly.
A significant increased risk was observed for all 3 childhood cancers combined and exposure to magnetic fields from high voltage installations with magnetic fields strength of 0.4 µT and above. No significant increased risk was found at 0.25 µT. Based on the findings the authors concluded that the proportion of childhood cancer possibly caused by 50 Hz electromagnetic fields must be small.

Study funded by

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