Die folgenden Begriffe wurden einbezogen:
遺伝毒性, Genotoxizität, genotoxicity
Kompetenzzentrum Elektromagnetische Felder (KEMF)
Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (BfS) (Hrsg.),
Spotlight, Sep/2024 no.5: 1-5
Kompetenzzentrum Elektromagnetische Felder (KEMF)
Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (BfS) (Hrsg.),
Spotlight, Oct/2023 no.3: 1-4
Sannino A, Scarfi MR, Romeo S, Priault M, Dufossee M, Poeta L, Prouzet-Mauleon V, Zeni O
2022 Microwave Mediterranean Symposium (MMS), Pizzo Calabro, Italy. IEEE: S. 1-5; ISBN 978-1-6654-7111-4
Turksen K (Hrsg.): Cell Biology and Translational Medicine, Volume 7. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, Band 1237; Springer, New York; S. 135-149; ISBN 978-3-030-37844-8
Ansal KA, Jose DS, Rajan RK
2018 International Conference on Circuits and Systems in Digital Enterprise Technology (ICCSDET), Kottayam, India. IEEE: S. 1-5; ISBN 978-1-5386-0577-6
Herrala M, Kumari K, Blomme A, Khan MW, Koivisto H, Naarala J, Roivainen P, Tanila H, Viluksela M, Juutilainen J
Eskola H, Väisänen O, Viik J, Hyttinen J (Hrsg.): EMBEC & NBC 2017: Joint Conference of the European Medical and Biological Engineering Conference (EMBEC) and the Nordic-Baltic Conference on Biomedical Engineering and Medical Physics (NBC), Tampere, Finland, June 2017. IFMBE Proceedings, Band 65; Springer, Singapore; S. 719-722; ISBN 978-981-10-5121-0
Yamazaki S, Harata M, Idehara T, Konagaya K, Yokoyama G, Hoshina H, Ogawa Y
2018 43rd International Conference on Infrared, Millimeter, and Terahertz Waves (IRMMW-THz), Nagoya, Japan. 11. Auflage; IEEE: S. 1-2; ISBN 978-1-5386-3810-1
Wyde M, Cesta M, Blystone C, Elmore S, Foster P, Hooth M, Kissling G, Malarkey D, Sills R, Stout M, Walker N, Witt K, Wolfe M, Bucher J
bioRxiv: the Preprint Server for Biology (bioRxiv),
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Molla-Djafari H, Schiessl K, Schmid G, Kundi M, Knasmüller S, Mosgöller W
Allgemeine Unfallversicherungsanstalt (AUVA),
AUVA Report, Nr. 70: 1-188
Kuznetsov KA, Miroshnik DB, Shckorbatov YG, Nikolov OT, Kolchigin NN
2016 9th International Kharkiv Symposium on Physics and Engineering of Microwaves, Millimeter and Submillimeter Waves (MSMW), Kharkiv, Ukraine. IEEE: S. 1-3; ISBN 978-1-5090-2268-7
Toromura H, Huang Y, Koyama S, Miyakoshi J, Shinohara N
2016 IEEE Wireless Power Transfer Conference (WPTC), Aveiro, Portugal. IEEE: S. 1-3; ISBN 978-1-4673-7986-1
Moraitis N, Christopoulou M, Nikita KS, Voulgaridou GP, Anestopoulos I, Panagiotidis MI, Pappa A
2015 37th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Milan, Italy. IEEE: S. 2592-2595; ISBN 978-1-4244-9271-8
Vinodha E, Raghavan S
2015 2nd International Conference on Electronics and Communication Systems (ICECS), Coimbatore. IEEE: S. 837-841; ISBN 978-1-4799-7224-1
Haga A, Matsuki H, Endo G
2014 International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Tokyo, Japan. IEEE: S. 997-1001; ISBN 978-4-88552-287-1
Nakayama M, Hondou T, Miyata H
Proceedings of the 12th Asia Pacific Physics Conference (APPC12), 2013. JPS: S. 012057; ISBN 978-4-89027-101-6
Naziroglu M, Akman H
Systems Biology of Free Radicals and Antioxidants. Springer: S. 2431-2449; ISBN 978-3-642-30019-6
Layer PG, Heselich A, Waldmann P, Volkmer B, Pollet D, Blettner M, Kuster N
Bundesamt für Strahlenschutz (BfS),
Ressortforschungsberichte zur kerntechnischen Sicherheit und zum Strahlenschutz, BfS-RESFOR-80/13: 1-270
Swerdlow AJ, Advisory Group on Non-ionising Radiation AGNIR
Health Protection Agency (HPA),
Documents of the Health Protection Agency, RCE-20: 1-348
Ikehata M, Yoshie S, Wada K, Suzuki Y, Sakai T, Wake K, Nakasono S, Taki M, Ohkubo C
2011 XXXth URSI General Assembly and Scientific Symposium, Istanbul. IEEE: S. 12340345; ISBN 978-1-4244-5117-3
Strahlenschutzkommission (SSK)
Baldauf D: Empfehlungen und Stellungnahmen der Strahlenschutzkommission 2008. Veröffentlichungen der Strahlenschutzkommission, Band 67; Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und nukleare Sicherheit (BMU) (Hrsg.): Hoffmann, Berlin: S. 1-48; ISBN 978-3-87344-167-5
2010 Asia-Pacific International Symposium on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Beijing, China. IEEE: S. 9-12; ISBN 978-1-4244-5622-2
Udroiu I, Guiliani L, Ieradi LA
Giuliani L, Soffritti M: Non-thermal effects and mechanisms of interaction between electromagnetic fields and living matter. Mattioli 1885: S. 123-134; ISBN 978-88-6261-166-4
Giuliani L, Soffritti M: Non-thermal effects and mechanisms of interaction between electromagnetic fields and living matter. Mattioli 1885: S. 63-113; ISBN 978-88-6261-166-4
Poulletier de Gannes F, Lagroye I, Veyret B
Executive Agency for Health and Consumers (EAHC), Europäische Kommission,
SSM's Independent Expert Group on Electromagnetic Fields
Swedish Radiation Safety Authority (SSM),
Report number: 2009:36: 1-66
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Bundesamt für Umwelt (BAFU),
Umwelt-Wissen Nr. 0934: 1-118
Vecchia P, Matthes R, Ziegelberger G, Lin J, Saunders R, Swerdlow A, International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP)
ICNIRP; ISBN 978-3-934994-10-2
Health Protection Agency (HPA),
Documents of the Health Protection Agency, RCE-8: 1-143
SSI's Independent Expert Group on Electromagnetic Fields
Swedish Radiation Protection Authority (SSI),
SSI Rapport: 2007:04: 1-52
Bioelectromagnetics Current Concepts: The Mechanisms of the Biological Effect of Extremely High Power Pulses. Springer: S. 331-354; ISBN 978-1-4020-4278-2
SSI's Independent Expert Group on Electromagnetic Fields
Swedish Radiation Protection Authority (SSI),
SSI Rapport: 2006:02: 1-44
Strahlenschutzkommission (SSK),
Lehmann H, Urech M, Pickl C
15th International Zurich Symposium and Technical Exposition on Electromagnetic Compatibility, Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland. IEEE: S. 301-304; ISBN 978-1-5090-3197-9
Stavroulakis P (Hrsg.): Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Radiation. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg; S. 503-544; ISBN 978-3-540-42989-0
Carlo GL, Thibodeau PM (Hrsg.): Wireless Phones and Health II: State of the Science. Springer, Boston; S. 143-146; ISBN 978-0-306-46901-5
Veyret B, Morrissey JJ
Bersani F (Hrsg.): Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine. Springer, New York, NY; S. 105-110; ISBN 978-0-306-46041-8
Boorman GA, Bernheim NJ, Galvin MJ, Newton SA, Parham FM, Portier CJ, Wolfe MS
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Cossarizza A, Capri M, Salvioli S, Monti D, Franceschi C, Bersani F, Cadossi R, Zucchini P, Angioni S, Petraglia F, Scarfi MR
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Saunders RD, Kowalczuk CI, Sienkiewicz ZJ
National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB),
NRPB-R240: 1-146, ISBN 978-0-85951-332-6
Kowalczuk CI, Sienkiewicz ZJ, Saunders RD
National Radiological Protection Board NRPB; ISBN 978-0-85951-330-2
Rofsky NM, Pizzarello DJ, Duhaney MO, Falick AK, Prendergast N, Weinreb JC
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Acta Odontol Scand 78 (7): 494-500
Acta Oncol 39 (8): 927-930
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Acta Radiol 34 (6): 607-611
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Acta Vet-Beogr 42 (5-6): 343-349