Study type: Medical/biological study (experimental study)

Behavioral effects of pulsed microwave radiation med./bio.

Published in: Ann N Y Acad Sci 1975; 247: 440-453

Aim of study (acc. to editor)

To study the effects of pulsed microwave exposure on the behavior of rats.

Background/further details

The tests were initiated within 2 min postirradiation and 1 or 24 hours postirradiation.



Exposure Parameters
Exposure 1: 2.45 GHz
Modulation type: pulsed
Exposure duration: 30 min
  • SAR: 6.3 mW/g (exploratory activity)
  • SAR: 6.5 mW/g (11 mW/g; discrimination)
  • SAR: 6.3 mW/g (11 mW/g; swimming)

Exposure 1

Main characteristics
Frequency 2.45 GHz
Exposure duration 30 min
Additional info Reference article: Justesen D.R, Levinson D.M, Clarke R.L and King N.W. 1971. A microwave oven for behavioural and biological research: electrical and structural modifications, calorimetry, dosimetry and functional evaluation. J.Microwave power 6: 237-258.
Modulation type pulsed
Repetition frequency 120 Hz
Additional info

Pulses of quasi-sinusoidal shape with a half amplitude duration of 2.5 ms

Exposure setup
Exposure source
  • multimodal resonating cavity
Chamber lucite chamber, base 25cm x 37.5 cm
Measurand Value Type Method Mass Remarks
SAR 6.3 mW/g - unspecified unspecified exploratory activity
SAR 6.5 mW/g - unspecified unspecified 11 mW/g; discrimination
SAR 6.3 mW/g - unspecified unspecified 11 mW/g; swimming

Reference articles

  • Justesen DR et al. (1971): A microwave oven for behavioural and biological research: electrical and structural modifications, calorimetric, dosimetry and functional evaluation

Exposed system:

Methods Endpoint/measurement parameters/methodology

Investigated system:
Time of investigation:
  • after exposure

Main outcome of study (acc. to author)

Activity test: the general tendency was for exposed animals to exhibit less activity than controls during most of the test period.
Swimming performance: all of the exposed groups exhibited a moderate reduction in swimming speed late in the test, after they had been swimming for a considerable distance with apparently normal proficiency.
Discrimination performance: it is evident that the animals were missing or ignoring presentations of the signal (a light) at the outset of testing after an irradiation at either dose rate. The effect was greater after irradiation at the higher rate and was related to the body temperatures.
The characteristics of the irradiation effects produced on the three behaviors were largely dissimilar. Only in the vigilance test the effect was apparently related in a direct manner to hyperthermia.

Study character:

Study funded by