The following terms were included:
"Wireless Local Area Network", "Drahtloses Netzwerk", WLAN, 無線LAN
World Health Organization (WHO),
1-38, ISBN 978-92-4-159994-8
Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority (STUK),
Repacholi M, van Deventer E, Ravazzani P (eds.): WHO; ISBN 978-92-4-159561-2
Swiss Agency for the Environment, Forests and Landscape (SAEFL),
DIV-5801: 1-56
National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB),
Documents of the NRPB, Volume 15 No.5: 1-114, ISBN 978-0-85951-548-1
National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB),
Documents of the NRPB, Volume 14 No.2: 1-177
German Commission on Radiological Protection (SSK),
Abad M, Malekafzali H, Simbar M, Seyed Mosaavi H, Merghati Khoei E
Int J Reprod Biomed 14 (5): 347-354
Abdellaouy HE, Pelov A, Toutain L, Bernard D
2014 IEEE 11th Consumer Communications and Networking Conference (CCNC), Las Vegas, NV, USA. IEEE: pp. 107-114; ISBN 978-1-4799-2356-4
Adlkofer F, Aschermann C, Berner F, Budzinski BI, European Academy for Environmental Medicine (Working Group EMF) (EUROPAEM), Hecht K, von Klitzing L, Kühling W, Ludwig P, Thiede W
Competence Initiative for the Protection of Humanity, Environment and Democracy e.V.,
Schriftreihe Wirkungen des Mobil- und Kommunikationsfunks, Heft 11: 1-120