研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (experimental study)

[1950 MHz変調信号ばく露後のヒト末梢血リンパ球における細胞毒性と遺伝子毒性の影響評価] med./bio.

Evaluation of Cytotoxic and Genotoxic Effects in Human Peripheral Blood Leukocytes Following Exposure to 1950-MHz Modulated Signal

掲載誌: IEEE Trans Plasma Sci 2006; 34 (4): 1441-1448

6人のボランティアからの末梢血液リンパ球をUMTS信号(搬送周波数は1950MHz)に24時間ばく露させた。ばく露は0.5、2.0W/kgのSARで導波管を用いて行い、擬似ばく露サンプルも用意した。アルカリ性コメットアッセーでDNA損傷を調べ、細胞毒性はTrypan Blue法で求めた。結果は、両方のSARレベルで、ばく露群と擬似ばく露で比較して、遺伝子毒性細胞毒性は見られなかった。1950MHzの24時間in vitroばく露はヒトのリンパ球においてDNA損傷誘発しない。

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This in vitro study was conducted to investigate possible effects of 1950 MHz continous exposure on human peripherial blood leukocytes.


Peripheral blood samples were taken from six healthy non-smoking males aged beween 27 and 32 years. 2 x 250 randomly selected cells per treatment group were examined. Hydrogen peroxide treated cells were the positive controls.
The specific absorption rates tested were selected to evaluate conditions below (0.5 W/kg) or equal to (2 W/kg) the currently accepted safety limits by the ICNIRP.



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露1: 1,950 MHz
ばく露時間: continuous for 24 h
  • SAR: 0.5 W/kg average over mass
  • SAR: 2 W/kg average over mass

General information

For each donor, five conditions were tested in duplicate: RF and sham exposure at two SAR values and positive controls (cultures treated for 30 min with 50-µM hydrogen peroxide). The design of the exposure setup followed the basic requirements suggested in [Kuster et al., 2000].


周波数 1,950 MHz
  • electromagnetic field
  • guided field
ばく露時間 continuous for 24 h
Modulation type cf. additional information
Additional information

UMTS signal according to the WCDMA/3GPP standard (five power-controlled user data channels + one control channel)

  • 導波管
  • WR 430: 109.2 mm x 54.6 mm, in TE10 mode
ばく露装置の詳細 Four 35-mm Petri dishes filled with 3-ml samples were stacked in a plastic dish holder positioned inside the waveguide
Sham exposure A sham exposure was conducted.
Additional information induced electric field parallel to the sample surface, spatial distribution was quite uniform along the vertical axis; thus, a high uniformity was achieved between the different layers, including the cell layer at the bottom of the Petri dish. As already done in a previous work [Zeni et al., 2005], resonant operation was discarded in order to avoid limitations in the modulation bandwidth of the feeding signal.
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
SAR 0.5 W/kg average over mass 測定値および計算値 - -
SAR 2 W/kg average over mass 測定値および計算値 - -

Reference articles

  • Calabrese M et al. (2006): [1.95 GHz周波数の高効率インビトロ導波管ばく露装置]
  • Zeni O et al. (2005): [900 MHzラジオ周波数電磁界への急性ばく露によるヒトリンパ球での遺伝毒性評価]
  • Kuster N et al. (2000): [無線通信に関係した健康リスクに着目した生物実験のばく露装置の最低限必要な条件とガイドライン]
  • Allis JW et al. (1977): [生物系に吸収されるマイクロ波放射の測定(1)。加熱および冷却データの分析]


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • ばく露後


No statistically significant differences were found in continuously exposed and sham exposed human leukocytes concerning cell viability and genotoxicity.


