研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (experimental study)

[従来型携帯電話からの電磁放射で誘発されたラット精巣障害と抗酸化剤であるビタミンCおよびEの保護作用] med./bio.

Rat testicular impairment induced by electromagnetic radiation from a conventional cellular telephone and the protective effects of the antioxidants vitamins C and E

掲載誌: Clinics 2012; 67 (7): 785-792

この研究は、携帯電話からの電磁放射(EMR)がラット血液精巣組織酸化および抗酸化状態に及ぼすかもしれない影響を調べ、さらに、精巣に対するEMRの有害な影響を防止する効果がビタミンCおよびEにあるか否かを調べた。ラットを6群に分けた。擬似ばく露対照群擬似ばく露+ビタミンC投与群、擬似ばく露+ビタミンE投与群、EMRばく露群、EMRばく露+ビタミンC投与群、EMRばく露+ビタミンE投与群である。ビタミンC(40 mg / kg /日)またはビタミンE(2.7 mg / kg /日)は毎日投与された。EMRばく露にはGSM携帯電話が用いられ、ラットを入れたPlexiglasケージとアンテナとの距離を50 cmとして、 毎日のばく露時間15、30、および60分間で、2週間のばく露が行われた。その結果、EMRばく露において、精細管の直径の有意な増加が見られ、かつ精細管での精子サイクルの非規則な中断が見られた;EMRばく露において、血清酵素および精巣組織複合酵素であるジエン、脂質ヒドロペルオキシド、およびカタラーゼの活性は3倍に上昇したが、血清および精巣組織での総グルタチオンおよびグルタチオンペルオキシダーゼレベルは3 - 5倍低下した;精巣誘導された酸化ストレスを軽減し、精巣の正常性を回復する上でのビタミンCおよびEの役割の可能性が示された、と報告している。

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To investigate the possible effects of exposure from a cellular phone on the oxidant and antioxidant status in blood and testis of rats and to determine the possible protective role of vitamin C and vitamin E.


Six groups were examined: 1.) sham exposure (n=10), 2.) sham exposure + vitamin C (n=10), 3.) sham exposure + vitamin E (n=10), 4.) exposure (n=30), 5.) exposure + vitamin C (n=30) and 6.) exposure + vitamin E (n=30). Animals were exposed for 15, 30 or 60 minutes per day (10 animals, respectively).



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露1: 900–1,900 MHz
ばく露時間: continuous for 15, 30 or 60 min/day during 14 days

General information

Animals were divided into the following six groups: i) sham exposure ii) sham exposure + daily treatment with 40 mg/kg vitamin C iii) sham exposure + daily treatment with 2.7 mg/kg vitamin E iv) EMF exposure v) EMF exposure + daily treatment with 40 mg/kg vitamin C vi) EMF exposure + daily treatment with 2.7 mg/kg vitamin E


周波数 900–1,900 MHz
  • electromagnetic field
ばく露時間 continuous for 15, 30 or 60 min/day during 14 days
  • GSM mobile phone
Distance between exposed object and exposure source 50 cm
ばく露装置の詳細 rats placed in Plexiglas cages with drilled ventilation holes that were attached to a mobile phone hand set
Sham exposure A sham exposure was conducted.
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
電力 2 W peak - - -
電力密度 0.02 mW/cm² average over time - - -
SAR 0.9 W/kg - - - -


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • ばく露後


In the histopathological examination, the testis of sham exposed rats showed normal seminiferous tubules, spermatids and spermatogenic cells. However, the testis of exposed rats showed significant degenerative changes: An increased diameter of the seminiferous tubules, a decreased mean height of the germinal epithelium, a reduction of the spermatid number, big nuclei (karyomegaly), a high incidence of mitotic divisions and pyknosis of some spermatogonial nuclei. An administration of vitamin C or E caused a significant decrease of the exposure induced effects.
In all exposure groups, in the blood serum and in the testis, the amount of glutathione and the enzyme activity of the glutathione peroxidase were significantly decreased (stronger decrease with increasing exposure duration) compared with the control group, whereas the levels of the lipid peroxidation and the enzyme activity of the catalase were significantly increased (stronger increase with increasing exposure duration). An administration of vitamin C or vitamin E blocked the exposure induced effects (Remark EMF-Portal: results taken from table, partially contradictory results in running text).
The author concludes that exposure to an electromagnetic field could have a negative effect on testicular function through the induction of oxidative stress. The results also indicate a protective effect of vitamin C and vitamin E.


