研究のタイプ: 疫学研究 (observational study)

[英国の電力供給作業員における神経変性性疾患と磁界ばく露] epidem.

Neurodegenerative disease and magnetic field exposure in UK electricity supply workers

掲載誌: Occup Med 2014; 64 (6): 454-460

この研究は、元のイングランド・ウェールズ中央電力発電局(Central Electricity Generating Board:CEGB)の被雇用者コホート73051人を用いて、低周波磁界への職業ばく露と3種の神経変性疾患アルツハイマー病、運動神経疾患パーキンソン病)の関連を調べた。このコホート(1952-82年に雇用開始され、1973-82年に短くとも6ヶ月間、何らかの職種に就いていた。)での1973-2010年における死亡証明書のこれら疾患の記載を調べた。就労履歴(5つの職種コード(監督者、技師/研究者、事務職、電力作業者、建設作業者)とそれぞれの就労期間)から、10年以上前の期間の累積ばく露レベル、10年以内の累積ばく露レベル、両者を足し合わせた職業人生累積ばく露レベルの3つのばく露指標のカテゴリー別に、3つの疾患それぞれの相対リスク(発症率比:RR)を計算した。その結果、いずれの疾患リスクも、いずれかのばく露指標に関連して増加する傾向は見られなかった、と報告している。

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A cohort study was conducted in UK to investigate whether risks of Alzheimer disease, motor neuron disease or Parkinson disease are related to occupational exposure to extremely low-frequency magnetic fields. The present study is an update of the publication by Sorahan and Kheifets (2007).


The cohort included in the present publication was further analysed for brain tumor risk (Sorahan, 2014) and for leukemia risk (Sorahan, 2014).
Cumulative occupational lifetime exposure together with exposures received more than 10 years ago (lagged exposures) and those received less than 10 years ago (lugged exposures) were developed for each study participant. The analyses were performed for the whole cohort and a sub-cohort consisting of 48,768 employees first employed in power stations because the exposure assessments are more detailed for power station workers than for other groups of workers.


リスク推定のタイプ: (相対リスク(RR))




グループ 説明
参照集団 1 occupational cumulative lifetime exposure to magnetic fields: 0 - < 2.5 µT-years
集団 2 occupational cumulative lifetime exposure to magnetic fields: 2.5 - < 5.0 µT-years
集団 3 occupational cumulative lifetime exposure to magnetic fields: 5.0 - < 10.0 µT-years
集団 4 occupational cumulative lifetime exposure to magnetic fields: 10.0 - < 20.0 µT-years
集団 5 occupational cumulative lifetime exposure to magnetic fields: ≥ 20 µT-years
参照集団 6 occupational exposure to magnetic fields received >10 years ago (lagged exposure): 0 - < 2.5 µT-years
集団 7 occupational exposure to magnetic fields received >10 years ago (lagged exposure): 2.5 - < 5.0 µT-years
集団 8 occupational exposure to magnetic fields received >10 years ago (lagged exposure): 5.0 - < 10.0 µT-years
集団 9 occupational exposure to magnetic fields received >10 years ago (lagged exposure): 10.0 - < 20.0 µT-years
集団 10 occupational exposure to magnetic fields received >10 years ago (lagged exposure): ≥ 20 µT-years
参照集団 11 occupational exposure to magnetic fields received <10 years ago (lugged exposure): 0 - < 2.5 µT-years
集団 12 occupational exposure to magnetic fields received <10 years ago (lugged exposure): 2.5 - < 5.0 µT-years
集団 13 occupational exposure to magnetic fields received <10 years ago (lugged exposure): 5.0 - < 10.0 µT-years
集団 14 occupational exposure to magnetic fields received <10 years ago (lugged exposure): 10.0 - < 20.0 µT-years
集団 15 occupational exposure to magnetic fields received <10 years ago (lugged exposure): ≥ 20 µT-years



合計 73,051
統計学的分析方法: (調整: )


No statistically significant trends were shown for risks of Alzheimer disease, motor neuron disease or Parkinson disease to increase with estimates of lifetime, recent or distant occupational exposure to magnetic fields.
The authors conclude that there is no convincing evidence that UK electricity generation and transmission workers have suffered elevated risks from neurodegenerative diseases as a consequence of exposure to extremely low-frequency magnetic fields.

