"Wireless Local Area Network", "Drahtloses Netzwerk", WLAN, 無線LAN
Spotlight, Mai/2024 no.4: 1-5
German Bundestag (Parliament of the Federal Republic of Germany),
Drucksache 20/5646: 1-312
Panagopoulos DJ (ed.): CRC Press, Boca Raton; ISBN 978-1-032-06175-7
Swiss Federal Council,
The Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET),
Fact File: 1-24
International Telecommunication Union (ITU),
ITU-T Recommendations K-Series, K.91 (01/2022): 1-98
Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH),
Faktenblatt: 1-13
Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE),
IEEE Std 1528.7-2020: 1-90, ISBN 978-1-5044-7078-0
German Commission on Radiological Protection (SSK),
Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS),