"Elektromagnetische Strahlung", "elektromagnetische Wellen", "electromagnetic radiation", "electromagnetic waves", EMR, 電磁放射線, 電磁放射
Delidimitriou S, Babas D, Samaras T
2024 Panhellenic Conference on Electronics & Telecommunications (PACET), Thessaloniki, Greece. IEEE: pp. 1-4; ISBN 9798350318852
Competence Centre Electromagnetic Fields (KEMF)
Federal Office for Radiation Protection (BfS) (ed.),
Spotlight, Jan/2024 no.1: 1-4
Van den Bergh O, Pitron V, Nordin S, Witthöft M
Wexler P (ed.): Encyclopedia of Toxicology. 5巻, 第第4版; Elsevier Science & Technology, San Diego; pp. 449-462; ISBN 978-0-323-85434-4
Poljak D, Šušnjara A
Poljak D, Šušnjara A: Deterministic and Stochastic Modeling in Computational Electromagnetics: Integral and Differential Equation Approaches. IEEE Press Series on Electromagnetic Wave Theory; Wiley-IEEE Press: pp. 207-284; ISBN 978-1-119-98924-0
Enghes A, Bordianu A, Cazacu E
2023 International Symposium on Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering (ISFEE), Bucharest, Romania. IEEE: pp. 1-6; ISBN 9798350308570
Ciocioi I, Bordianu A, Samoilescu G
2023 International Symposium on Fundamentals of Electrical Engineering (ISFEE), Bucharest, Romania. IEEE: pp. 1-4; ISBN 9798350308570
International Conference on Innovation, Communication and Engineering (ICICE 2023), Bangkok, Thailand. IET: pp. 143-144; ISBN 978-1-83953-995-4
Elmaadawy S, Jornet JM
2023 IEEE Future Networks World Forum (FNWF), Baltimore, MD, USA. IEEE: pp. 1-6; ISBN 9798350324594
Miron EL, Craciun A, Miron M
2023 8th International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Sciences and Industry (MCSI), Athens, Greece. IEEE: pp. 52-58; ISBN 9798350341669
Yildiz G, Topsakal E, Yilmaz T, Akduman I
2023 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting (USNC-URSI), Portland, OR, USA. IEEE: pp. 785-786; ISBN 978-1-6654-4229-9