Study overviews

Mobile phone related articles are

Please note that a publication can be assigned to several endpoints, i.e. the sum of publications from the individual thematic points and subpoints can be greater than the total sum of actual publications.

Epidemiological studies on mobile communications

408 studies in total
  1. 138 studies
  2. 135 studies
  3. 114 studies
  4. 58 studies
  5. 20 studies
Authors Year Study type Study group Observation period Study location Endpoints Parameters
Sharma N et al. 2024 cross-sectional study men, women, 18–25 years 2020-2021 North India inner ear function (hearing thresholds) mobile communications, mobile phone
Sharmandemola F et al. 2023 - men, women, 22–60 years 2021 Iran cognitive function: attention, reaction time and working memory mobile communications, mobile phone, occupational
Sharqawi M et al. 2022 - men 2019 - 2020 Israel sperm function, telomere length and in vitro fertilization outcomes mobile communications, mobile phone, also other exposures without EMF
Shi X et al. 2018 - men - China semen quality mobile phone, mobile communications
Singh K et al. 2016 cross-sectional study, preliminary study men, women, ≥ 18 years 2013 India hypertension, headache, dizziness, sleep disturbances, salivary function (unstimulated and stimulated salivary flow rates, level of hydration, saliva consistency and pH) mobile phone base station, mobile communications, residential
Srujana Aravinda VS et al. 2022 - children, 4–14 years not stated India cellular changes in buccal mucosa mobile communications, mobile phone
Sudan M et al. 2016 cohort study women, children in utero, 7–11 years 1996 - 2002, follow-up at the age of 7 and 11 years Denmark emotional and behavioural difficulties mobile communications, mobile phone
Sudan M et al. 2018 - children, children in utero, 4–6 years - Denmark, Spain, Korea cognitive function mobile communications, mobile phone
Suresh S et al. 2011 survey men, women 2008 USA hypertension mobile communications, mobile phone, personal
Söderqvist F et al. 2009 cross-sectional study men, women, 18–65 years 2007 Sweden serum S100B level mobile communications, analog mobile phone, digital mobile phone, GSM, UMTS, NMT, DECT, personal