Study overviews

Please note that a publication can be assigned to several endpoints, i.e. the sum of publications from the individual thematic points and subpoints can be greater than the total sum of actual publications.

Experimental studies on static magnetic fields

2192 studies in total
  1. 964 studies
  2. 730 studies
  3. 455 studies
  4. 386 studies
  5. 347 studies
  6. 171 studies

Cell functions

347 studies in total
  1. 185 studies
  2. 92 studies
  3. 56 studies
  4. 53 studies
Authors Year Exposed system Parameters Magnetic flux density/field strength
Obo M et al. 2002 intact cell/cell culture, PC-12D cells (subline of the PC-12 cell line, derived from pheochromocytoma cells from the rat adrenal medulla) magnetic field, static magnetic field, 50/60 Hz 14.8–150 µT
Lindstrom E et al. 2001 intact cell/cell culture, Jurkat cells (clone E6-1; T-lymphocyte hybridoma cell line) magnetic field, static magnetic field, 50/60 Hz, DC 10 µT–0.1 mT
Satow Y et al. 2001 isolated organ, sartorius muscles of bullfrogs (<i>Rana catesbeiana</i>) static magnetic field 0.65 T
Sonnier H et al. 2000 intact cell/cell culture, SH-SY5Y (human neuroblastoma cell line) magnetic field, static magnetic field, 50/60 Hz 80 µT–7.5 mT
Griffin GD et al. 2000 intact cell/cell culture, Clone 9 cells (normal rat liver cell line) magnetic field, low frequency, DC, static magnetic field, co-exposure 23.8–36.6 µT
Pacini S et al. 1999 intact cell/cell culture, FNC-B4 (human neuronal cells), MCF-7 (human breast carcinoma cells) and WEHI-3 (murine leukemia cells) static magnetic field, MRI 200 mT
Takeshige C et al. 1996 animal, guinea pig, partial body: leg (gastrocnemius muscle) static magnetic field, electrotherapy, co-exposure, therapeutic/medical device 130 mT
Trabulsi R et al. 1996 tissue slices, (derived of mouse hippocampus) static magnetic field, DC 10 mT
Rosen AD 1996 intact cell/cell culture, GH3 cells (a murine pituitary cell line) static magnetic field, DC 120 mT
Schneeweiss FH et al. 1995 intact cell/cell culture, human kideny T1 cells static magnetic field, also other exposures without EMF 1.4 T