Study overviews

Please note that a publication can be assigned to several endpoints, i.e. the sum of publications from the individual thematic points and subpoints can be greater than the total sum of actual publications.

Experimental studies on static magnetic fields

2163 studies in total
  1. 949 studies
  2. 721 studies
  3. 449 studies
  4. 374 studies
  5. 342 studies
  6. 169 studies


949 studies in total
  1. 363 studies
  2. 255 studies
  3. 253 studies
  4. 162 studies

Effects on plants 255 studies in total

Authors Year Exposed system Parameters Magnetic flux density/field strength
Vashisth A et al. 2010 plant, maize seeds (<i>Zea mays</i> L) static magnetic field 50–250 mT
Racuciu M et al. 2008 plant, maize (<i>Zea mays</i>) static magnetic field 50–250 mT
Shine MB et al. 2011 plant, soy bean seed (<i>Glycine max</i> L.) static magnetic field 50–300 mT
Poinapen D et al. 2013 plant, tomato (<i>Solanum lycopersicum</i> L.) static magnetic field 50.6–332.1 mT
Phirke PS et al. 1996 plant, seeds of soybean, cotton and wheat static magnetic field 0.072–0.128 T
Javed N et al. 2011 plant, maize seeds (<i>Zea mays</i> L) static magnetic field 100–150 mT
Anand A et al. 2012 plant, maize (<i>Zea mays</i> L.) static magnetic field 100–200 mT
Baum JW et al. 1984 plant, <i>Tradescantia</i> static magnetic field, DC 0.1–0.78 T
Florez M et al. 2004 plant static magnetic field 125–250 mT
Florez M et al. 2007 plant, maize/Ramda variety static magnetic field 125–250 mT