Study overviews

Please note that a publication can be assigned to several endpoints, i.e. the sum of publications from the individual thematic points and subpoints can be greater than the total sum of actual publications.

Experimental studies on static magnetic fields

2192 studies in total
  1. 964 studies
  2. 730 studies
  3. 455 studies
  4. 386 studies
  5. 347 studies
  6. 171 studies


964 studies in total
  1. 366 studies
  2. 263 studies
  3. 257 studies
  4. 162 studies
Authors Year Exposed system Parameters Magnetic flux density/field strength
Sleptsov IV et al. 2019 plant, <i>Amaranthus retroflexus</i>, <i>Agastache rugosa</i> and <i>Thlaspi arvense</i> (seedlings) static magnetic field, DC -
Nyakane NE et al. 2019 plant, rose geranium (<i>Pelargonium graveolens</i> L.) static magnetic field, co-exposure, also other exposures without EMF -
Kataria S et al. 2019 plant, soy bean (<i>Glycine max</i> L.) (seeds) static magnetic field, also other exposures without EMF, co-exposure -
Baghel L et al. 2019 plant, maize seeds (<i>Zea mays</i> L) static magnetic field, also other exposures without EMF, co-exposure -
Thomas S et al. 2019 plant, chickpea seeds (<i>Cicer arietinum</i> L.) static magnetic field -
Jin Y et al. 2019 plant, <i>Arabidopsis thaliana</i>/Columbia 0 static magnetic field -
Liu J et al. 2019 plant, <i>Paulownia elongata</i> (seeds) static magnetic field -
Abdollahi F et al. 2019 plant, Mandel-Kerne (<i>Amygdalus scoparia</i> Spach and <i>Amygdalus eburnea</i> Spach) static magnetic field -
Florez M et al. 2019 plant, rice (seeds) static magnetic field -
Lewandowska S et al. 2019 plant, soybean (<i>Glycine max</i> (L.) Merrill, cv. Merlin) (seeds) static magnetic field, also other exposures without EMF, co-exposure -