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Hair cutter

Belongs to:
Hygiene & care

A hair cutter operates with wielding razor blades that are driven by an electric motor. Hair cutters resemble electric razors.

Frequency ranges:
  • 50–60 Hz
Type of field:
electric and magnetic

Measurements (acc. to literature)

Measurand Value Feature Remarks
electric field strength 1.06 kV/m (maximum, calculated) - at the surface of the device at 50 Hz [1]
magnetic flux density 70 µT–1.05 mT (min-max value, measured) - sum of all spectral components [2]
magnetic flux density 243 µT (maximum, calculated) - at the surface of the device at 50 Hz [3]


  1. Leitgeb N et al. (2008): Electric emissions from electrical appliances
  2. Leitgeb N et al. (2008): Magnetic emissions of electric appliances
  3. Leitgeb N et al. (2008): Magnetic emission ranking of electrical appliances. A comprehensive market survey