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Belongs to:
Consumer electronics

An iPod is a handheld electric device for the playback of audio and video files by Apple.

Frequency ranges:
  • 0 Hz (battery, speaker)
  • 50–60 Hz (mains frequency)
  • 30–300 kHz (chipset)
  • 2.4–2.5 GHz (WLAN or bluetooth)
Type of field:
electric, magnetic, and electromagnetic

Measurements (acc. to literature)

Measurand Value Feature Remarks
magnetic field strength 12.76 mA/m (maximum) - maximum value for a 3G device that is turned off [1]
magnetic field strength 42.29 mA/m (maximum) - maximum value for a 3G device that is turned on [1]
magnetic field strength 0.16 A/m (maximum) - maxmum value [2]
magnetic flux density 16.04 nT (maximum) - maximum value for a 3G device that is turned off [1]
magnetic flux density 53.14 nT (maximum) - maximum value for a 3G device that is turned on [1]
magnetic flux density 0.2 µT (maximum) - at a distance of 0.5 - 1 cm [2]


  1. Shah AJ et al. (2010): Characteristics of telemetry interference with pacemakers caused by digital media players
  2. Bassen H (2008): Low frequency magnetic emissions and resulting induced voltages in a pacemaker by iPod portable music players