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Electric hauler

Belongs to:
Electric vehicles

Electric haulers are electrically driven tractors for the transportation of goods. Without load, electric haulers like the PEFRA 780 can reach a velocity of up to 17 km/h and with load, a velocity of up to 10 km/h . Electric haulers can transport a load of maximum 40 t.

Frequency ranges:
  • 2 Hz–3 kHz
Type of field:

Measurements (acc. to literature)

Measurand Value Feature Remarks
magnetic flux density 0.62 µT (measured) 10 Hz - 100 kHz at the abdomen area of the driver at a velocity of 15 km/h [1]
magnetic flux density 0.67 µT (measured) 10 Hz - 100 kHz at the abdomen area of the dirver at a velocity of 10 km/h [1]
magnetic flux density 0.72 µT (measured) 10 Hz - 100 kHz in the abdomen area of the driver at a velocity of 7 km/h [1]


  1. Schmid G et al. (2009): [Determination of the exposure to magnetic fields of alternative drive concepts - project 3608S04574]