
  • EHS
  • electromagnetic hypersensitivity
  • electrosensibility
German: Elektrosensibilität
Japanese: 電気感受性、電磁過敏症

Medicine. The terms electrosensitivity, electrosensibility and electromagnetic hypersensitivity are commonly used to describe disorder of persons attributed to the exposure to electromagnetic fields. Two different meanings have to be distiguished:
1. Electrosensibility (in German Elektrosensitivität) as the ability to perceive electric or electromagnetic fields at lower levels as the major part of the general population.
2. Electromagnetic hypersensitivity or electrosensitivity (in German Elektrosensibilität) as the health disorders of persons attributed to the exposure to electromagnetic fields. The main symptoms are headache, sleep disorder, concentration difficulties, tiredness, dizziness, or skin problems.
Idiopathic environmental intolerance (IEI) is a general term for sensitivity to environmental factors and incorporates a number of disorders sharing similar non-specific medically unexplained symptoms (WHO 2005, fact sheet 296).
There is no general linguistic usage, especially in German the meaning of the terms is vice versa (electrosensitivity - Elektrosensibilität and electrosensibility - Elektrosensitivität).

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