Study type: Therapeutical study (experimental study, observational study)

Treatment of articular effusions with local deep microwave hyperthermia med. app.

Published in: Clin Rheumatol 1989; 8 (4): 461-466

Aim of study (acc. to author)

To evaluate the efficacy and safety of local deep microwave hyperthermia upon human joints (rheumatoid arthritis patients with knee effusion).



Exposure Parameters
Exposure 1: 915 MHz
Exposure duration: 1 h, twice a week for 2 weeks

Exposure 1

Main characteristics
Frequency 915 MHz
Exposure duration 1 h, twice a week for 2 weeks
Exposure setup
Exposure source
Setup Antenna was attached firmly to the lateral aspect of the knee joint. The applicator was positioned in such a way that the electromagnetic radiation was aimed towards the joint, with maximum radiation near the joint cavity.
Additional info Water (20°C) flowed on the surface of the applicator cooled the skin adjacent to the applicator at the knee joint area.
Measurand Value Type Method Mass Remarks
power 15 W - - - to 35 W

Exposed system:

Methods Endpoint/measurement parameters/methodology

Investigated system:
Investigated organ system:
  • knee
Time of investigation:
  • before exposure
  • during exposure
  • after exposure

Main outcome of study (acc. to author)

Intra-articular knee temperature reached the level of 40.6 +/- 1.1°C within 15 minutes, raised to 41.2 +/- 0.7°C after 30 minutes and to 41.3 +/- 0.9°C at one hour. The skin temperature over the knee joints remained at 24.3 +/- 1.1°C during application. Walking time was improved and significant decrease in pain was revealed following treatment. Synovial fluid leukocyte count and prostaglandin E2 level, knee circumference and range of motion did not alter. Severity of pain, walking time, knee circumference and range of motion remained stable in the six weeks following the last hyperthermia treatment. No adverse reaction could be found. These findings suggest local deep microwave hyperthermia to be safe and successful as an adjuvant application of chronic inflammatory joint effusions.

Study character:

Study funded by