Study overviews

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Experimental studies on static electric fields

215 studies in total
  1. 123 studies
  2. 94 studies
  3. 24 studies
  4. 19 studies
  5. 13 studies
  6. 12 studies
Authors Year Exposed system Endpoints Parameters Electric field strength
Cresci A et al. 2023 animal, atlantic cod larvae (<i>Gadus morhua</i>) and atlantic haddock larvae (<i>Melanogrammus aeglefinus</i>) - static magnetic field, DC, high-voltage direct current (HVDC) -
Di G et al. 2018 animal, mouse/ICR, whole body number and proportion of blood cells electric field, static electric field, 50/60 Hz 35 kV/m
Di G et al. 2021 animal, mouse/ICR - static electric field, high-voltage direct current (HVDC) -
Dong L et al. 2022 animal, mouse/ICR, whole body oxidative stress in the spleen of mice, ultrastructural changes in the spleen of mice static electric field, high-voltage direct current (HVDC) 56.3 kV/m
Dong L et al. 2024 animal, mouse/ICR - static electric field, high-voltage direct current (HVDC) -
Durif CMF et al. 2023 animal, lumpfish (<i>Cyclopterus lumpus</i>) - static magnetic field, DC, underground cable, high-voltage direct current (HVDC) -
Edwards DK 1960 invertebrate, <i>Drosophila melanogaster</i> and <i>Calliphora vicina</i> - static electric field 10–65.7 kV/m
Fam WZ 1981 animal, mouse/ICR-SW - static electric field, DC 340 kV/m
Ganskopp D et al. 1991 animal, cattle, whole body - electric field, high-voltage direct current (HVDC) 0–24.7 kV/m
Gray JR et al. 2000 animal, mouse/B6C3F1, whole body - static magnetic field, static electric field 450 kV/m