Study overviews

Please note that a publication can be assigned to several endpoints, i.e. the sum of publications from the individual thematic points and subpoints can be greater than the total sum of actual publications.

Experimental studies on static magnetic fields

2163 studies in total
  1. 949 studies
  2. 721 studies
  3. 449 studies
  4. 374 studies
  5. 342 studies
  6. 169 studies

DNA, proteins, and oxidative stress

374 studies in total
  1. 165 studies
  2. 162 studies
  3. 87 studies
  4. 12 studies

Gene/protein expression (HSP) 12 studies in total

Authors Year Exposed system Parameters Magnetic flux density/field strength
Guisasola C et al. 2002 intact cell/cell culture, L-132 (human embryonic lung tissue) RF field, magnetic field, static magnetic field, DC, MRI 1.5 T
Wang S et al. 2021 animal, C57BL/6 mouse RF field, static magnetic field, MRI, co-exposure -
Fu JP et al. 2016 - geomagnetic field, shielding/field deprivation -
Bodega G et al. 2005 intact cell/cell culture, astroglial cells of P0-P1 Wistar rats magnetic field, static magnetic field, 50/60 Hz 1 mT
Ilijin L et al. 2021 invertebrate, nymphs of orange-spotted cockroach (<i>Blaptica dubia</i>) magnetic field, static magnetic field, 50/60 Hz, low frequency 10–110 mT
Abdelmelek H et al. 2006 animal, rat/ Wistar, whole body static magnetic field 67–128 mT
Tenuzzo B et al. 2009 intact cell/cell culture, human lymphocytes static magnetic field 6 mT
Laramee CB et al. 2014 intact cell/cell culture, RAT1 cells (rat primary fibroblast cells) transfected with a HSP70 promoter-linked luciferase reporter static magnetic field 1–440 mT
Kimura T et al. 2008 invertebrate, <i>Caenorhabditis elegans</i> (nematode; different strains) static magnetic field, DC, co-exposure 2–5 T
Belton M et al. 2009 intact cell/cell culture, NIH3T3 cells (mouse fibroblasts), transfected static magnetic field, DC, co-exposure 100 mT