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Weather radar

Belongs to:
Radar system

A weather radar system is used to collect weather data, e.g. precipitation values. Often, they are connected to several other weather radars and feed their collective information to a mainframe computer which then calculates the weather forecast. Employed frequencies range from 4 GHz - 8 GHz in the C-band and from 8 GHz - 12 GHz in the X-band.

Frequency ranges:
  • 9.4 Hz–9.5 GHz (aircraft onboard weather radars within the X band)
  • 5.47–5.65 GHz (within the C band)
  • 9.3–9.5 GHz (within the X band)
Type of field:

Measurements (acc. to literature)

Measurand Value Feature Remarks
electric field strength 0.86 V/m (measured) - general exposure [1]
electric field strength 4.21 V/m (measured) - occupational exposure [1]
electric field strength 20 V/m (maximum) - at a distance of 10 m; frequency: 9,375 GHz; radar is onboard an aircraft [2]
electric field strength 200 V/m (maximum) - at a distance of 10 cm; frequency: 9.375 GHz; radar is onboard an aircraft [2]
electric field strength 19 kV/m (maximum) - calculated maximum value in front of the radar; frequency: 9.375 GHz; radar is onboard an aircraft [2]


  1. Joseph W et al. (2012): Occupational and public field exposure from communication, navigation, and radar systems used for air traffic control
  2. Mantiply ED et al. (1997): Summary of measured radiofrequency electric and magnetic fields (10 kHz to 30 GHz) in the general and work environment