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Games console

Belongs to:
Consumer electronics

A games console is a computer-like device that is primarily used for video games, but is also capable of playing DVDs and audio CDs. There are two types of games consoles: 1) stationary ones that have to be connected to a TV screen and 2) portable, handheld devices with an integrated monitor.

Frequency ranges:
  • 50–60 Hz
Type of field:
electric and magnetic

Measurements (acc. to literature)

Measurand Value Feature Remarks
magnetic flux density 0.14 µT (measured) - at a distance of 50 cm; measurement bandwidth: 0 - 3 kHz [1]
magnetic flux density 0.3 µT - at a distance of 20 cm; measurement bandwidth: 0 - 3 kHz [1]
magnetic flux density 0.4 µT (measured) - at a distance of 10 cm; measurement bandwidth: 0 - 3 kHz [1]


  1. Ainsbury EA et al. (2005): An investigation into the vector ellipticity of extremely low frequency magnetic fields from appliances in UK homes