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Humidity vacuum cleaner

Belongs to:
Kitchenware and household appliances

A humidity vacuum cleaner is an electric household appliance for the economic, i.e. water- and chemical-saving, cleaning of grease residue. The alternating electric and magnetic fields at the fundamental frequency of 50 Hz resp. 60 Hz are caused by the heating process for generating the neccessary steam. "Cold" steam usually has a temperature of 150°C, superheated steam approx. 300°C.

Frequency ranges:
  • 50–60 Hz
Type of field:
electric and magnetic

Measurements (acc. to literature)

Measurand Value Feature Remarks
electric field strength 827 V/m (maximum, calculated) - at the surface of the device at 50 Hz [1]
magnetic flux density 240 µT (maximum, calculated) - at the surface of the device at 50 Hz [2]


  1. Leitgeb N et al. (2008): Electric emissions from electrical appliances
  2. Leitgeb N et al. (2008): Magnetic emission ranking of electrical appliances. A comprehensive market survey