Study overviews

Mobile phone related articles are

Please note that a publication can be assigned to several endpoints, i.e. the sum of publications from the individual thematic points and subpoints can be greater than the total sum of actual publications.

Experimental studies on mobile communications

1716 studies in total
  1. 749 studies
  2. 571 studies
  3. 514 studies
  4. 225 studies
  5. 206 studies
  6. 118 studies

DNA, proteins, and oxidative stress

571 studies in total
  1. 312 studies
  2. 199 studies
  3. 123 studies
  4. 42 studies

Gene/protein expression (in general) 123 studies in total

Authors Year Exposed system Endpoints Frequency range SAR Exposure duration Parameters
Gurisik E et al. 2006 intact cell/cell culture, human neuroblastoma cell line (SK-N-SH) and monocytes cell line (U937) gene expression, cell viability 900 MHz 0.2 W/kg continuous for 1 or 2 h digital mobile phone, GSM, mobile communications
Gökçek-Saraç Ç et al. 2017 animal, rat/Wistar (adults and pubs), partial body - 900–2,100 MHz - - mobile communications, GSM, mobile phone, RF
Gökçek-Saraç Ç et al. 2017 animal, rat/Wistar albino - 900 MHz - - mobile communications
Gökçen S et al. 2022 intact cell/cell culture, Caco 2 cells (human colon adenocarcinoma cell line) - 2.5 GHz - - GSM, mobile communications, CW continuous wave, RF
Hasbek Z et al. 2024 human - - - - mobile communications, mobile phone, W-LAN/WiFi
Huang TQ et al. 2008 intact cell/cell culture, Jurkat cells (human lymphoblastoid T cells) cellular and molecular changes (e.g. DNA damage, gene expression, cell proliferation, cell cycle progression) 1,762.5 MHz 2–10 W/kg repeated daily exposure, 1 h/day, for 1, 2, or 3 days digital mobile phone, CDMA, mobile communications
Huang TQ et al. 2008 intact cell/cell culture, HEI-OC1 cells (immortalized mouse auditory hair cells) cell cycle, DNA damage, stress response, and gene expression 1,763 MHz 20 W/kg continuous for 24 h and 48 h mobile communications, mobile phone, CDMA
Islam MS et al. 2023 animal, chicken eggs (Indian River) - 2,100 MHz - - mobile communications, mobile phone, 4G
Ivaschuk OI et al. 1997 intact cell/cell culture, P12 (rat pheochromocytoma cells) expression of the immediate early genes encoding c-<i>jun</i> and c-<i>fos</i> 836.55 MHz 2.6 µW/g intermittent, 20 min on/off, for 20, 60 and 100 min NADC, TDMA, mobile communications
Jeong YJ et al. 2020 animal, C57BL/6J mouse - 1,950 MHz - - mobile communications, W-CDMA, RF