Study overviews

Please note that a publication can be assigned to several endpoints, i.e. the sum of publications from the individual thematic points and subpoints can be greater than the total sum of actual publications.

Epidemiological studies on power frequency fields (50/60 Hz)

528 studies in total
  1. 103 studies
  2. 85 studies
  3. 85 studies
  4. 81 studies
  5. 65 studies
  6. 64 studies
  7. 63 studies
  8. 62 studies
  9. 61 studies
  10. 31 studies
Authors Year Study type Study group Observation period Study location Endpoints Parameters
Schüz J et al. 2007 pooled analysis children, 0–16 years 1988 - 1996 Canada, Germany, United Kingdom, USA childhood leukemia magnetic field, 50/60 Hz, power transmission line, residential
Schüz J et al. 2012 pooled analysis children, 1–14 years different in each country, starting in 1988 Canada, Denmark, Germany, New Zealand, Sweden, USA, UK, Japan childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia magnetic field, 50/60 Hz, power transmission line, residential
Seomun G et al. 2021 meta-analysis children, 0–19 years 1960 - 2009 UK, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Norway, Italy, New Zealand, Canada, USA, Japan, Iran, Brazil, Czech Republic, Malaysia childhood leukemia, childhood brain/CNS tumor, other childhood cancer magnetic field, low frequency, power transmission line, 50/60 Hz
Sermage-Faure C et al. 2013 case-control study children, 0–14 years 2002 - 2007 France acute leukemia magnetic field, 50/60 Hz, power transmission line, residential
Skinner J et al. 2002 case-control study children, 0–14 years 1992 - 1996 UK acute lymphoblastic leukemia, childhood brain/CNS tumor magnetic field, 50/60 Hz, power transmission line, residential
Smulevich VB et al. 1999 case-control study children, 0–14 years 1986 - 1988 Russia leukemia, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, Hodgkin lymphoma, childhood brain/CNS tumor, all childhood cancer radar, electric field, magnetic field, 50/60 Hz, PC/TV monitor, occupational, also other exposures without EMF
Sohrabi MR et al. 2010 case-control study children, 0–18 years January 2009 - May 2009 Iran acute lymphoblastic leukemia magnetic field, 50/60 Hz, power transmission line, residential
Sorahan T et al. 1999 case-control study children, children in utero, 0–15 years 1953 - 1981 UK childhood leukemia, childhood brain/CNS tumor, all childhood cancer RF, magnetic field, 50/60 Hz, occupational
Su L et al. 2016 meta-analysis men, women, children, children in utero, 0–30 years 1953 - 2006 Sweden, Spain, UK, Germany, Russia, Canada, China, Taiwan, Australia childhood leukemia magnetic field, 50/60 Hz, occupational
Svendsen AL et al. 2007 cohort study children, 1–14 years July 1988 - June 1993 (Lower Saxony), January 1991 - September 1994 (Berlin), January 1990 - September 1994 (West Germany) West-Germany acute lymphoblastic leukemia magnetic field, 50/60 Hz, power transmission line, residential
Swanson J et al. 2014 case-control study children, 0–14 years 1962 - 2008 UK childhood leukemia, childhood brain/CNS tumor, other childhood cancer electric field, 50/60 Hz, power transmission line, residential, also other exposures without EMF, co-exposure
Swanson J et al. 2018 reanalysis, case-control study children, 0–14 years 1962 - 2008 UK childhood leukemia 50/60 Hz, power transmission line, magnetic field, residential
Swanson J et al. 2019 meta-analysis children, 0–14 years - USA, Canada, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Mexico, Taiwan, Germany, Greece, New Zealand, Italy, UK, Japan, China, Iran, Brazil, Czech Republic, France, Malaysia childhood leukemia magnetic field, 50/60 Hz, power transmission line, residential
Tabrizi MM et al. 2015 case-control study children, children in utero, 0–11 years 2013 - 2014 Iran acute lymphoblastic leukemia magnetic field, 50/60 Hz, power transmission line, residential, also other exposures without EMF
Tabrizi MM et al. 2015 case-control study children, children in utero, 0–11 years not stated Iran acute lymphoblastic leukemia magnetic field, 50/60 Hz, power transmission line, residential, also other exposures without EMF
Talibov M et al. 2019 pooled analysis, meta-analysis children, children in utero, 0–14 years 1989 - 2011 Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Italy, New Zealand, UK, USA acute lymphatic leukemia (B- and T-cell lineages), acute myeloid leukemia magnetic field, low frequency, 50/60 Hz, occupational
Theriault G et al. 1997 meta-analysis men, women, children - - leukemia, childhood leukemia magnetic field, 50/60 Hz, power transmission line, residential
Thomas DC et al. 1999 case-control study children, 0–10 years 1980 - 1987 USA childhood leukemia magnetic field, 50/60 Hz, power transmission line, residential
Tynes T et al. 1997 case-control study children, 0–14 years 1965 - 1989 Norway childhood leukemia, childhood lymphoma, childhood brain/CNS tumor, other childhood cancer, all childhood cancer electric field, magnetic field, 50/60 Hz, power transmission line, residential
UK Childhood Cancer Study Investigators 1999 case-control study children, 0–14 years 01/1991 - 12/1994 in Scotland, 4/1992 - 12/1994 in Wales and England, 1995 for leukemia and Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, 1996 for leukemia UK acute lymphoblastic leukemia, total leukemia, cancer of central nervous system, other malignant diseases magnetic field, 50/60 Hz, power transmission line, inhouse wiring, residential
UK Childhood Cancer Study Investigators 2000 case-control study children, 0–14 years 01/1991 - 12/1994 in Scotland, 4/1992 - 12/1994 in Wales and England, 1995 for leukemia and Non-Hodgkin lymphoma, 1996 for leukemia UK acute lymphoblastic leukemia, total leukemia, cancer of central nervous system, other malignant disease magnetic field, 50/60 Hz, power transmission line, residential
Verkasalo PK et al. 1993 cohort study children, 0–19 years 1970 - 1989 Finland childhood leukemia, childhood lymphoma, central nervous system tumor, other childhood cancer magnetic field, 50/60 Hz, power transmission line, residential
Wartenberg D 1998 meta-analysis children - USA, Taiwan, Australia, Mexico, Sweden, UK, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Netherlands, Greece childhood leukemia magnetic field, 50/60 Hz, power transmission line, residential
Wertheimer N et al. 1979 case-control study children, 0–18 years 1950 - 1973 USA childhood leukemia, childhood lymphoma, childhood brain/CNS tumor, other childhood cancer, all childhood cancer magnetic field, 50/60 Hz, power transmission line, residential
Wünsch Filho V et al. 2011 case-control study children, 0–8 years January 2003 - February 2009 Brazil acute lymphocytic leukemia magnetic field, 50/60 Hz, power transmission line, residential