Study type: Medical/biological study (experimental study)

Design and fabrication of Helmholtz coils to study the effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on the healing process in periodontitis: preliminary animal results med./bio.

Published in: J Biomed Phys Eng 2014; 4 (3): 83-90

Aim of study (acc. to author)

The effects of an acute whole body exposure of rats to a 50 Hz magnetic field on the progress of periodontitis should be investigated.

Background/further details

Periodontitis is a bacteria-caused inflammation of the peridontitium, which gets largely irreversibly destroyed in the course of the disease. The therapeutic use of the magnetic field in the treatment of periodontitis should be estimated with this preliminary study. In each of 10 rats, experimental periodontitis was induced on the left side of the upper jaw. No periodontits was induced on the right side of the upper jaw and this side was used as the control.



Exposure Parameters
Exposure 1: 50 Hz
Modulation type: pulsed
Exposure duration: continuous for 4 h/day for 7 days

Exposure 1

Main characteristics
Frequency 50 Hz
Exposure duration continuous for 4 h/day for 7 days
Modulation type pulsed
Exposure setup
Exposure source
Chamber rats were immobilized during exposure by using standard Plexiglas restrainers
Setup two pairs of Helmholtz coils had an inner radius of 12.5 cm, an outer radius of 13.5 cm and consisted of 100 turns of 0.95 mm wire framed on Teflon, respectively; distance between coils was 12.5 cm; temperature was measured
Measurand Value Type Method Mass Remarks
magnetic flux density 97.6 µT unspecified measured - at the center of the space between coils

Exposed system:

Methods Endpoint/measurement parameters/methodology

Investigated system:
Investigated organ system:
Time of investigation:
  • before exposure
  • after exposure

Main outcome of study (acc. to author)

A significantly decreased gingiva inflammation and mobility of the animals' teeth was found in exposed animals (remark EMF-Portal: no data shown on reference or determination of this result).
The authors conclude that an acute whole body exposure of rats to a 50 Hz magnetic field might have a positive effect on the healing of periodontitis, what should be investigated further in subsequent studies.

Study character:

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