Study overviews

Mobile phone related articles are

Please note that a publication can be assigned to several endpoints, i.e. the sum of publications from the individual thematic points and subpoints can be greater than the total sum of actual publications.

Epidemiological studies on mobile communications

408 studies in total
  1. 138 studies
  2. 135 studies
  3. 114 studies
  4. 58 studies
  5. 20 studies
Authors Year Study type Study group Observation period Study location Endpoints Parameters
Elliott P et al. 2019 - men, women 2008 - 2018 UK sickness absence TETRA/TETRAPOL, mobile communications, occupational
Hardell L et al. 2013 - men, women, 20–80 years 1997 - 2003 Sweden glioma, survival analog mobile phone, digital mobile phone, mobile communications, cordless phone, personal
Carlberg M et al. 2014 - men, women, 19–80 years 1997 - 2003, 2007 - 2009 Sweden glioma, survival analog mobile phone, digital mobile phone, mobile communications, cordless phone, personal
Oftedal G et al. 2000 cross-sectional study men, women 1996 Sweden, Norway subjective symptoms: dizziness, feelings of discomfort, difficulties concentrating, memory loss, unusual fatigue, headaches, sensations of warmth behind/ around/ on the ear, burning sensations in the facial skin, tingling/tightness sensations in the facial skin and other symptoms, details of symptom experience (e.g. duration of symptoms, medical consultation and sick leave), conditions under which the symptoms are experienced (e.g. long duration mobile phone calls), measures to reduce the symptoms mobile communications, GSM, NMT, PC/TV monitor, occupational, personal
Luna J et al. 2019 - men, women - France amyotrophic lateral sclerosis mobile communications, GSM, mobile phone base station, UHF fields, residential
Hardell L et al. 2010 - men, women, 18–30 years not stated Sweden concentration of beta-trace protein in the blood mobile communications, analog mobile phone, digital mobile phone, GSM, UMTS, DECT, personal
Söderqvist F et al. 2009 cross-sectional study men, women, 18–65 years 2007 Sweden serum S100B level mobile communications, analog mobile phone, digital mobile phone, GSM, UMTS, NMT, DECT, personal
Söderqvist F et al. 2009 cross-sectional study men, women, 18–65 years 2007 Sweden serum transthyretin level mobile communications, analog mobile phone, digital mobile phone, GSM, UMTS, NMT, DECT, personal
Schüz J et al. 2007 cohort study men, women, ≥ 18 years January 1982 - December 1995, followed up through 2003 Denmark Alzheimer disease, dementia, Parkinson disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, migraine, vertigo mobile communications, analog mobile phone, digital mobile phone, personal
Rothman KJ et al. 1996 cohort study men, women 1994 USA mortality mobile communications, analog mobile phone, personal
Dreyer NA et al. 1999 cohort study men, women 1994 USA leukemia, brain tumor, all cancer, cardiovascular diseases, mortality, motor vehicle collisions mobile communications, analog mobile phone, personal
Panda NK et al. 2010 cross-sectional study men, women, 18–45 years July 2005 - November 2006 India audiologic disturbances mobile communications, digital mobile phone, GSM, TDMA, personal
Thomas S et al. 2010 cross-sectional study children, 8–17 years 2006 - 2008 Germany overall behavioural problems (emotional problems, conduct problems, hyperactivity, and peer relationship problems) mobile communications, digital mobile phone, mobile phone base station, GSM, UMTS, RF, DECT, W-LAN/WiFi, personal
Breckenkamp J et al. 2010 cross-sectional study men, women, 15–71 years March - August 2006 Germany headache, health complaints, mental, and physical health, sleep disturbances, risk perception (not concerned, concerned, attributed own adverse health effects to base stations) mobile communications, digital mobile phone, mobile phone base station, GSM, UMTS, TETRA/TETRAPOL, DECT, W-LAN/WiFi, TV broadcast (VHF/UHF), FM broadcast (UKW), residential
Hallberg O et al. 2004 - men, women 1981 - 2002 Sweden, Norway and Denmark due to circulation and nervous system problems, prostate cancer, health indicators e.g., sick-days, long-term sick, rehabilitation days, health cost increase mobile communications, digital mobile phone, mobile phone base station, GSM, personal
Hallberg Ö 2007 - men, women 1981 - 2002 Sweden due to external causes (accidents, car crashes, murder, etc.) and Alzheimer disease, health indicators e.g., sick-days, long-term sick, rehabilitation days, health cost increase mobile communications, digital mobile phone, mobile phone base station, GSM, residential
Chia SE et al. 2000 cross-sectional study men, women, 12–70 years January 2000 Singapore CNS symptoms: headache, dizziness, difficulties in concentration, loss of memory, unusual drowsiness or tiredness, sense of warmth behind or around the ear, burning sensation to the ear and face, tingling sensation to the face, and visual disturbances mobile communications, digital mobile phone, personal
Arns M et al. 2007 preliminary study men, women not given USA brain function, neuropsychological performance, and personality mobile communications, digital mobile phone, personal
Divan HA et al. 2008 cohort study children, children in utero, 7 years November 2006 Denmark behavioral problems: conduct, hyperactivity, emotional, peer and social disorders mobile communications, digital mobile phone, personal
Abramson MJ et al. 2009 cross-sectional study children, 11–14 years 2005 - 2006 Australia cognitive function (signal detection, working memory, simple learning, associative learning, movement monitoring/estimation, Stroop test) mobile communications, digital mobile phone, personal
Thomas S et al. 2010 cohort study children, 12–15 years 2006 - 2007 Australia cognitive function (signal detection, working memory, learning, Stroop test) mobile communications, digital mobile phone, personal
Ng TP et al. 2012 cohort study men, women, ≥ 55 years 2004 - 2005, follow-up 2008 - 2009 Singapore cognitive functions mobile communications, digital mobile phone, personal
Birks L et al. 2017 cohort study children, children in utero, 5–7 years 1996 - 2011 Denmark, Netherlands, Korea, Norway, and Spain overall behavioral problems, hyperactivity/inattention problems and emotional problems mobile communications, mobile phone
Papadopoulou E et al. 2017 cohort study women, children, children in utero, newborns, 0–5 years 1999 - 2008 Norway language skills, communication skills, motor skills mobile communications, mobile phone
Baby NM et al. 2017 cross-sectional study men, women, 18–25 years - India thyroid gland function: TSH level mobile communications, mobile phone