Study overviews

Mobile phone related articles are

Please note that a publication can be assigned to several endpoints, i.e. the sum of publications from the individual thematic points and subpoints can be greater than the total sum of actual publications.

Experimental studies on mobile communications

1699 studies in total
  1. 738 studies
  2. 563 studies
  3. 512 studies
  4. 221 studies
  5. 204 studies
  6. 118 studies


738 studies in total
  1. 147 studies
  2. 91 studies
  3. 85 studies
  4. 80 studies
  5. 73 studies
  6. 61 studies
  7. 58 studies
  8. 54 studies
  9. 53 studies
  10. 47 studies
  11. 33 studies
  12. 26 studies
  13. 25 studies
  14. 19 studies
  15. 16 studies
  16. 10 studies
  17. 9 studies
  18. 4 studies

Effects on testis/sperms, fertility 147 studies in total

Authors Year Exposed system Endpoints Frequency range SAR Exposure duration Parameters
Chen H et al. 2017 animal, mouse/KM - 935 MHz - - mobile phone, mobile communications
Kumar et al. 2012 invertebrate, honey bee (<i>Apis mellifera</i> L.) - - - - mobile phone, mobile communications
Dong VNK et al. 2022 animal, beagle (<i>Canis familiaris</i>) - 1,962–1,966 MHz - - mobile phone, mobile communications
Azadi Oskouyi E et al. 2015 animal, rabbit/New Zealand, whole body - 850–950 MHz - - mobile phone, mobile communications, FM frequency modulation
Ahmad L et al. 2011 intact cell/cell culture, human spermatozoa - 900 MHz - - mobile phone, mobile communications, GSM
Oyewopo AO et al. 2017 animal, rat/Wistar - 900–1,800 MHz - - mobile phone, mobile communications, GSM
Narayanan SN et al. 2018 animal, rat/Wistar albino - 900 MHz - - mobile phone, mobile communications, GSM
Çetkin M et al. 2017 animal, rat/Wistar albino - 890–915 MHz - - mobile phone, mobile communications, GSM, PW pulsed wave
Hanci H et al. 2013 animal, rat/Sprague-Dawley, whole body: <i>in utero</i> DNA damage in plasma, apoptosis, histopathological changes and oxidative stress in testis 900 MHz - 1 h/day from 13th to 21st day of pregnancy mobile phone, mobile communications, RF field
Yahyazadeh A et al. 2020 animal, rat/Wistar albino - 900 MHz - - mobile phone, mobile communications, RF field, CW continuous wave, also other exposures without EMF