Study overviews

Experimental studies on the effects of young animals include studies with young animals prenatally or postnatally (before or after hatching) exposed to electromagnetic fields.

Young animals in this spirit means animals of the whole animal kingdom (but in this context mainly mammals and birds), exposed and investigated before their adulthood.

The graphics also include some experimental studies with children.

Experimental studies on the effects of low and radio frequency on young animals

857 studies in total
  1. 314 studies
  2. 302 studies
  3. 119 studies
  4. 52 studies
  5. 45 studies
  6. 15 studies
  7. 10 studies

Central nervous system

119 studies in total
  1. 85 studies
  2. 31 studies
  3. 3 studies
  4. one study
Authors Year Exposed system Endpoints Frequency range SAR Exposure duration Parameters
Albert EN et al. 1988 - - - - - microwaves, CW continuous wave, 2.45 GHz
Chiang H et al. 1987 - - 3 GHz 3.5 mW/g repeated daily exposure, 5 h/day, see add. information microwaves, low level microwaves, PW pulsed wave
Paulraj R et al. 2012 - - 9.9 GHz 1 W/kg 2 h/day for 35 days microwaves, radar
Paulraj R et al. 2012 - - 16.5 GHz 2.01 W/kg continuous for 2 h/day at 35 days (6 days/week) low level microwaves, AM amplitude modulation
Odaci E et al. 2016 - - - - - mobile phone, mobile communications, RF
Ikinci A et al. 2016 - - 900 MHz - - mobile phone, mobile communications
Petitdant N et al. 2016 - - 900 MHz - - mobile phone, GSM, mobile communications, RF, PW pulsed wave, co-exposure
Kerimoglu G et al. 2016 - - 900 MHz - - mobile phone, mobile communications, RF
Xu F et al. 2016 - - 1,800 MHz - - mobile phone, mobile communications
Sharma A et al. 2017 - - 10 GHz - - microwaves
DastAmooz S et al. 2018 - - 2.4 GHz - - W-LAN/WiFi, RF
Kim JH et al. 2021 - - 1,760–1,850 MHz - - RF
Rashidova AM 2021 - - 460 MHz - - microwaves
Tan B et al. 2022 - - - - - 2.45 GHz, microwaves, CW continuous wave
Bas O et al. 2022 - - 900 MHz - - RF
Jamakosmanovic A et al. 1988 - - - - - CW continuous wave, microwaves, 2.45 GHz
Yucel H et al. 2022 - - - - - 2.45 GHz, RF
Drecun M et al. 1989 - - - - - microwaves, 2.45 GHz, PW pulsed wave
Guessab A et al. 1983 - - - - - microwaves, radar
Nakas M et al. 1981 - - - - - microwaves, 2.45 GHz
Drecun M et al. 1982 - - - - - 2.45 GHz, microwaves
Drecun M et al. 1985 - - - - - 2.45 GHz, microwaves
Drecun M et al. 1979 - - - - - microwaves, 2.45 GHz
Nakas M et al. 1979 - - - - - 2.45 GHz, microwaves
Jamakosmanovic A et al. 1979 - - - - - 2.45 GHz, microwaves, CW continuous wave
Besset D et al. 2024 - - - - - RF
Yip YP et al. 1995 animal, chicken/White Leghorn, whole body: <i>in ovo</i> - 15 Hz - continuous for 6 hr RF, magnetic field, static magnetic field, MRI
Akefe IO et al. 2023 animal, mouse - 900 MHz - - mobile communications, mobile phone, RF, also other exposures without EMF, co-exposure
Ghatei N et al. 2017 animal, mouse/BALB/c (pregnant females and young animal) - 900–1,800 MHz - - mobile communications
Zhang JP et al. 2017 animal, mouse/C57BL/6, whole body - 1.8 GHz - - mobile phone, mobile communications, RF
Kim JH et al. 2024 animal, mouse/ICR - 1,850 MHz - - mobile communications, RF
Sharma A et al. 2017 animal, mouse/Swiss albino (pregnant females) - 10 GHz - - microwaves
Ragbetli MC et al. 2009 animal, mouse/Swiss albino, whole body number of pyramidal cells in the Cornu Ammonis 890–915 MHz 1.2 W/kg 12 hr/day for 19 - 20 days (gestation period) + 20 days after birth (female offspring only) mobile phone, digital mobile phone, GSM, mobile communications
Ragbetli MC et al. 2010 animal, mouse/Swiss albino, whole body number of Purkinje cells and granule cells in the developing cerebellum 890–915 MHz 0.95 W/kg continuous for 12 hr/day - 11 hr + 45 min. in stand-by mode, 15 min. in talking mode - for 19 - 20 days druing gestation digital mobile phone, GSM, mobile communications, PW pulsed wave
Güler G et al. 2010 animal, rabbit/New Zealand White, whole body lipid peroxidation and DNA damage in the brain 1,800 MHz - continuous for 15 min/day on 7 days - from day 15 to day 22 of gestation mobile phone, GSM, mobile communications
Guler G et al. 2016 animal, rabbit/New Zealand White, whole body - 1,800 MHz 18 mW/kg - GSM, mobile communications
Furtado-Filho OV et al. 2015 animal, rat, whole body oxidative damages of DNA, proteins and lipids in the cortex 950 MHz 0.35–1.32 W/kg continuous for 30 min/day from the first day of gestation until birth UHF fields
Singh KV et al. 2023 animal, rat/ Wistar - 2,115 MHz - - mobile communications, mobile phone
El-Kafoury BMA et al. 2023 animal, rat/ Wistar - - - - mobile communications, mobile phone, GSM, also other exposures without EMF, co-exposure
Okur ZH et al. 2021 animal, rat/ Wistar albino - - - - mobile communications, mobile phone
Kesari KK et al. 2014 animal, rat/ Wistar, whole body DNA damage, protein expression, apoptosis and oxidative stress in brain 2,115 MHz 0.26–0.9 W/kg continuous for 2 hours/day for 60 days mobile phone, mobile communications
Masuda H et al. 2015 animal, rat/Sprague Dawley - 1,457 MHz - - mobile communications, PDC, microwaves
Keleş Aİ et al. 2019 animal, rat/Sprague Dawley - 900 MHz - - mobile communications, mobile phone, RF, CW continuous wave
Hong S et al. 2020 animal, rat/Sprague Dawley - 800–1,900 MHz - - mobile communications, mobile phone
Azimzadeh M et al. 2020 animal, rat/Sprague Dawley - 900 MHz - - mobile communications, mobile phone base station
Sahin A et al. 2015 animal, rat/Sprague Dawley, whole body - 900 MHz 0.024 W/kg - mobile phone, mobile communications
Aslan A et al. 2017 animal, rat/Sprague Dawley, whole body cerebellar morphology 900 MHz 0.01 W/kg 1 hour/day for 25 consecutive days mobile communications, mobile phone
Ushiyama A et al. 2007 animal, rat/Sprague-Dawley effects on blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier permeability 1.5 GHz 0.5–10.4 W/kg continuous for 30 min PDC, TDMA, mobile communications
Keleş Aİ et al. 2018 animal, rat/Sprague-Dawley - 900 MHz - - -
Albert EN et al. 1981 animal, rat/Sprague-Dawley, whole body density of Purkinje cells in developing rat brains 100 MHz 2–2.77 mW/g 21 h/day for 5 days microwaves, CW continuous wave, 2.45 GHz