Study overviews

Mobile phone related articles are

Please note that a publication can be assigned to several endpoints, i.e. the sum of publications from the individual thematic points and subpoints can be greater than the total sum of actual publications.

Experimental studies on mobile communications

1716 studies in total
  1. 749 studies
  2. 571 studies
  3. 514 studies
  4. 225 studies
  5. 206 studies
  6. 118 studies


749 studies in total
  1. 152 studies
  2. 92 studies
  3. 85 studies
  4. 81 studies
  5. 77 studies
  6. 61 studies
  7. 58 studies
  8. 54 studies
  9. 54 studies
  10. 47 studies
  11. 33 studies
  12. 26 studies
  13. 25 studies
  14. 19 studies
  15. 16 studies
  16. 10 studies
  17. 9 studies
  18. 4 studies
Authors Year Exposed system Endpoints Frequency range SAR Exposure duration Parameters
Adang D et al. 2009 animal, rat/Charles River, whole body - 970 MHz 0.08 W/kg - mobile phone base station, GSM, mobile communications, low level microwaves, CW continuous wave, PW pulsed wave, radar
Grigoriev YG et al. 2010 animal, rat - 2,450 MHz - - mobile communications, mobile phone, mobile phone base station, GSM, 2.45 GHz
Ohtani S et al. 2015 - - 2.14 GHz - - mobile communications, W-CDMA
El-Gohary OA et al. 2017 - - 900 MHz - - mobile phone, mobile communications, co-exposure
Taheri M et al. 2017 human - - - - mobile phone base station, mobile communications
Lameth J et al. 2017 animal, rat/Wistar (adults and pubs), partial body - 1,800 MHz - - mobile communications, mobile phone, GSM, PW pulsed wave
Occelli F et al. 2018 animal, rat/Wistar, partial body - 1,800 MHz - - GSM, mobile communications, RF
Andrianome S et al. 2019 human - - - - mobile communications, mobile phone, GSM, DECT, W-LAN/WiFi
Yinhui P et al. 2019 animal, mouse/BALB/c - 1,800–1,900 MHz - - mobile communications, mobile phone, CDMA, LTE
Pedrami A et al. 2019 human - - - - mobile communications, mobile phone
Salas-Sánchez AA et al. 2019 animal, rat/Sprague-Dawley - 900 MHz–2.45 GHz - - mobile communications, GSM, 2.45 GHz, RF
Mansourian M et al. 2020 intact cell/cell culture, animal, mouse/BALB/c - 217 Hz–5 kHz - - GSM, mobile communications, magnetic field, electric current application, low frequency, signals/pulses, intermediate frequency, co-exposure, also other exposures without EMF
Arthamin MZ et al. 2020 intact cell/cell culture, human peripheral blood mononuclear cells and whole blood - 1,800 MHz - - mobile communications, mobile phone, RF
Mansourian M et al. 2021 intact cell/cell culture, 4T1 (mouse mammary tumour cells), animal, mouse/BALB/c - 5 kHz–900 MHz - - mobile communications, mobile phone, GSM, electric current application, intermediate frequency, signals/pulses, also other exposures without EMF, co-exposure
Mansourian M et al. 2022 animal, mouse/BALB/c - 5 kHz–900 MHz - - mobile phone, GSM, mobile communications, electric current application, electrotherapy, intermediate frequency, also other exposures without EMF, co-exposure
Zarei S et al. 2020 animal, mouse/BALB/c - - - - mobile communications, mobile phone, GSM, co-exposure
Yadav H et al. 2023 intact cell/cell culture, THP-1 cells (human monocytic leukemia cell line) - 2,318 MHz - - mobile communications, mobile phone, 4G
Havas F et al. 2024 intact cell/cell culture, primary normal human epidermal keratinocytes (NHEK) - 6 GHz - - mobile communications, 5G, co-exposure, also other exposures without EMF
Nasta F et al. 2006 animal, mouse/C57BL/6, partial body: caudal exposure B cell differentiation and antibody production 900 MHz 2 W/kg repeated daily exposure, 2 h/day, 5 days/week, for 4 weeks digital mobile phone, GSM, mobile communications
Kimata H 2005 human, partial body: right ear allergen-specific IgE production 800 MHz 1.62 W/kg continuous for 30 min CDMA, mobile communications, microwaves
Dasdag S et al. 2000 animal, rat/Wistar, whole body birth weight, blood parameters 890–915 MHz 0.155 W/kg repeated daily exposure for 3 x 1 min during 2 h/day, see add. information GSM, mobile communications, microwaves
Kismali G et al. 2012 animal, rabbit/New Zealand White, whole body blood chemistry, oxidative stress: lipid persoxidation 1,800 MHz - continuous for 15 min/day during 7 days (day 15 to day 22 of gestation) digital mobile phone, GSM, mobile communications, microwaves, PW pulsed wave
Dahmen N et al. 2009 human, whole body blood parameters - - - mobile phone, mobile phone base station, mobile communications, W-LAN/WiFi, wireless transmitter, EMF general, not extractable
Siqueira EC et al. 2016 human cytokine expression in parotid gland saliva - - up to 200 minutes per month for up to 10 years mobile phone, mobile communications
Jin YB et al. 2012 animal, rat/Sprague-Dawley, whole body different immune parameters 848.5 MHz 4 W/kg continuous for 45 min/day, 5 days/week for up to 8 weeks mobile phone, CDMA, W-CDMA, mobile communications, co-exposure