Study overviews

Please note that a publication can be assigned to several endpoints, i.e. the sum of publications from the individual thematic points and subpoints can be greater than the total sum of actual publications.

Experimental studies on magnetic power frequency fields (50/60 Hz)

2061 studies in total
  1. 769 studies
  2. 641 studies
  3. 519 studies
  4. 416 studies
  5. 331 studies
  6. 210 studies


769 studies in total
  1. 116 studies
  2. 103 studies
  3. 103 studies
  4. 90 studies
  5. 86 studies
  6. 80 studies
  7. 75 studies
  8. 66 studies
  9. 64 studies
  10. 49 studies
  11. 32 studies
  12. 29 studies
  13. 27 studies
  14. 22 studies
  15. 13 studies
  16. 8 studies
  17. 6 studies
  18. 6 studies
  19. 2 studies
  20. one study
Authors Year Exposed system Parameters Magnetic flux density/field strength
Molaei S et al. 2019 animal, rat/Wistar albino, whole body 50/60 Hz, magnetic field 1–2,000 µT
Zhang Y et al. 2020 animal, rat/Sprague Dawley 50/60 Hz, magnetic field 500 µT
Zhang Y et al. 2020 animal, rat/Sprague Dawley, whole body 50/60 Hz, magnetic field 100–500 µT
Mohammadnejad D et al. 2010 animal, rat/Wistar 50/60 Hz, magnetic field, also other exposures without EMF, co-exposure -
Tekam CKS et al. 2023 intact cell/cell culture, C6 glial cells, animal, rat/Wistar 50/60 Hz, magnetic field, signals/pulses -
Cevik A et al. 2017 animal, rat 50/60 Hz, power transmission line, magnetic field -
Sirav B et al. 2021 animal, rat/Wistar albino (healthy and diabetic) RF, magnetic field, 50/60 Hz, low frequency -
Zecca L et al. 1998 animal, rat/Sprague-Dawley, whole body electric field, magnetic field, 50/60 Hz 5–100 µT
Rajkovic V et al. 2001 animal, rat/Mill Hill, whole body electric field, magnetic field, 50/60 Hz 50–500 µT
Rajkovic V et al. 2005 animal, rat/Wistar, whole body electric field, magnetic field, 50/60 Hz 100–300 µT
Quaglino D et al. 2004 animal, rat/Sprague-Dawley, whole body electric field, magnetic field, 50/60 Hz, co-exposure 5–100 µT
Rajkovic V et al. 2005 animal, rat/Mill Hill, whole body electric field, magnetic field, low frequency, 50/60 Hz 50–500 µT
Rajkovic V et al. 2005 animal, rat/Wistar, whole body electric field, magnetic field, low frequency, 50/60 Hz 100–300 µT
Rajkovic V et al. 2006 animal, rat/Wistar, whole body electric field, magnetic field, low frequency, 50/60 Hz 40–300 µT
Gimenez-Gonzalez M et al. 1991 animal, rat/Wistar, whole body magnetic field, 50/60 Hz 5.2 mT
Matsushima S et al. 1993 animal, rat/Wistar-King, whole body magnetic field, 50/60 Hz 5 µT
Thomson RA et al. 1988 animal, mouse/DBA/2 (partially implanted with P388 leukemia cells), whole body magnetic field, 50/60 Hz 1.4–500 µT
Fam WZ et al. 1996 animal, mouse/CFW, whole body magnetic field, 50/60 Hz 25 mT
Harris AW et al. 1998 animal, mouse/Eµ-<i>Pim1</i> transgenic strain and nontransgenic strain C57BL/6NTac, whole body magnetic field, 50/60 Hz 1 µT–1 mT
Picazo ML et al. 1996 animal, mouse/OF1, whole body magnetic field, 50/60 Hz 15 µT
Boorman GA et al. 1997 animal, rat/F344/N and mouse/B6C3F1, whole body magnetic field, 50/60 Hz 2–1,000 µT
Margonato V et al. 1995 animal, rat/Sprague-Dawley, whole body magnetic field, 50/60 Hz 5 µT
Romo MA et al. 1997 animal, mouse/OF1, whole body magnetic field, 50/60 Hz 15 µT
Devevey L et al. 2000 animal, rat/Brown Norway, whole body magnetic field, 50/60 Hz 500 µT
Anderson LE et al. 2001 animal, rat/Fischer 344, whole body magnetic field, 50/60 Hz 1 mT