Study overviews

Mobile phone related articles are

Please note that a publication can be assigned to several endpoints, i.e. the sum of publications from the individual thematic points and subpoints can be greater than the total sum of actual publications.

Epidemiological studies on mobile communications

408 studies in total
  1. 138 studies
  2. 135 studies
  3. 114 studies
  4. 58 studies
  5. 20 studies
Authors Year Study type Study group Observation period Study location Endpoints Parameters
Ajmal A et al. 2024 - - - - - mobile communications, mobile phone, cordless phone, W-LAN/WiFi, residential
Schüz J et al. 2007 cohort study men, women, ≥ 18 years January 1982 - December 1995, followed up through 2003 Denmark Alzheimer disease, dementia, Parkinson disease, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, migraine, vertigo mobile communications, analog mobile phone, digital mobile phone, personal
Chia SE et al. 2000 cross-sectional study men, women, 12–70 years January 2000 Singapore CNS symptoms: headache, dizziness, difficulties in concentration, loss of memory, unusual drowsiness or tiredness, sense of warmth behind or around the ear, burning sensation to the ear and face, tingling sensation to the face, and visual disturbances mobile communications, digital mobile phone, personal
Zothansiama et al. 2017 - men, women - India DNA damage and antioxidants in peripheral blood lymphocytes mobile communications, mobile phone base station, residential
Ros-Llor I et al. 2012 cohort study men, women, 20–39 years not stated Spain DNA damage and cytokinetic defects (micronuclei and binucleated cells), proliferation, and cell death in oral mucosal cells mobile phone, mobile communications, personal
Al-Khlaiwi T et al. 2022 - men, 20–60 years 2020 - 2021 Saudi Arabia HbA1c level, body composition and life style, general health status mobile phone, mobile communications, also other exposures without EMF, co-exposure
Abad M et al. 2016 cross-sectional study women, 18–35 years not stated Iran abortion mobile phone, mobile phone base station, GSM, UMTS, mobile communications, W-LAN/WiFi, Radio/TV transmitter, TV broadcast (VHF/UHF), FM broadcast (UKW)
Rabiei M et al. 2023 - men, women not stated Iran adverse health effects mobile communications, mobile phone, W-LAN/WiFi
Luna J et al. 2019 - men, women - France amyotrophic lateral sclerosis mobile communications, GSM, mobile phone base station, UHF fields, residential
Banerjee K et al. 2022 - women not stated India anti‑mullerian hormone level mobile phone, mobile communications, RF, W-LAN/WiFi, also other exposures without EMF, laptop/tablet
Panda NK et al. 2010 cross-sectional study men, women, 18–45 years July 2005 - November 2006 India audiologic disturbances mobile communications, digital mobile phone, GSM, TDMA, personal
Varshney S et al. 2023 - men, women, 18–45 years not stated India auditory brainstem response mobile communications, mobile phone
Philip P et al. 2017 - men, women, 21–45 years 2014 - 2015 India auditory function (tympanometry and distortion product otoacoustic emissions (DPOAE)) mobile communications, mobile phone
Divan HA et al. 2008 cohort study children, children in utero, 7 years November 2006 Denmark behavioral problems: conduct, hyperactivity, emotional, peer and social disorders mobile communications, digital mobile phone, personal
Divan HA et al. 2012 cohort study children, children in utero, 7 years December 2008 Denmark behavioural problems mobile communications, mobile phone, personal
Mortazavi SM et al. 2013 - women, children in utero, newborns not stated Iran birth weight mobile phone, mobile communications, cordless phone, PC/TV monitor, personal, also other exposures without EMF
Col-Araz N 2013 - women, children in utero, newborns May - December 2009 Turkey birth weight and preterm birth mobile phone, mobile communications, PC/TV monitor, personal
Amiri F et al. 2022 - men, women, 35–65 years not stated Iran blood pressure and heart rate mobile communications, mobile phone
Saravi FD 2011 cross-sectional study men not stated Argentina bone mineralization in the left and right hip mobile communications, mobile phone, personal
Arns M et al. 2007 preliminary study men, women not given USA brain function, neuropsychological performance, and personality mobile communications, digital mobile phone, personal
Srujana Aravinda VS et al. 2022 - children, 4–14 years not stated India cellular changes in buccal mucosa mobile communications, mobile phone
Panda NK et al. 2011 - men, women, 18–45 years July 2008 - December 2009 India changes in hearing function mobile communications, mobile phone, GSM, CDMA, TDMA, personal
Khan MM 2008 survey men, women not given Saudi-Arabia chronic headache, impaired concentration, impaired memory, fatigue, hearing problem, skin disease, warmth around the ear, sleeplessness, self-rated health condition, relation of symptoms to mobile phone use mobile communications, mobile phone, personal
Bhatt CR et al. 2017 cohort study children, 9–11 years 2010 - 2012, follow-up 2012 - 2013 Australia cognitive function mobile communications, mobile phone, cordless phone
Sudan M et al. 2018 - children, children in utero, 4–6 years - Denmark, Spain, Korea cognitive function mobile communications, mobile phone
Brzozek C et al. 2019 reanalysis children, 9–11 years 2011 - 2013 Australia cognitive function mobile communications, mobile phone
Thomas S et al. 2010 cohort study children, 12–15 years 2006 - 2007 Australia cognitive function (signal detection, working memory, learning, Stroop test) mobile communications, digital mobile phone, personal
Redmayne M et al. 2016 cohort study children, 8–11 years 2011 Australia cognitive function (signal detection, working memory, learning, Stroop test) mobile phone, mobile communications, cordless phone
Abramson MJ et al. 2009 cross-sectional study children, 11–14 years 2005 - 2006 Australia cognitive function (signal detection, working memory, simple learning, associative learning, movement monitoring/estimation, Stroop test) mobile communications, digital mobile phone, personal
Al-Khlaiwi TM et al. 2020 cross-sectional study men, women, 15–65 years 2019 - 2020 Saudi Arabia cognitive function impairment mobile communications, mobile phone
Sharmandemola F et al. 2023 - men, women, 22–60 years 2021 Iran cognitive function: attention, reaction time and working memory mobile communications, mobile phone, occupational
Cabré-Riera A et al. 2021 cross-sectional study children, 9–18 years - Netherlands cognitive function: non-verbal intelligence, information processing speed, attentional function, visual attention, cognitive flexibility, working memory, and semantic fluency mobile communications, mobile phone, mobile phone base station, DECT, W-LAN/WiFi, Radio/TV transmitter, laptop/tablet
Guxens M et al. 2016 cohort study children, 5–6 years 2003 - 2010 The Netherlands cognitive function: speed of information processing, inhibitory control, cognitive flexibility, and visuomotor coordination mobile phone, mobile phone base station, GSM, UMTS, mobile communications, cordless phone, W-LAN/WiFi, residential, personal
Ng TP et al. 2012 cohort study men, women, ≥ 55 years 2004 - 2005, follow-up 2008 - 2009 Singapore cognitive functions mobile communications, digital mobile phone, personal
Eeftens M et al. 2023 - men, women, 18–70 years 2019 - 2020 Switzerland and France cognitive performance, health-related quality of life, sleep duration and quality mobile communications, mobile phone, cordless phone
Hardell L et al. 2010 - men, women, 18–30 years not stated Sweden concentration of beta-trace protein in the blood mobile communications, analog mobile phone, digital mobile phone, GSM, UMTS, DECT, personal
Söderqvist F et al. 2012 cross-sectional study men, women, 18–65 years 2007 Sweden concentration of serum beta-trace protein in the blood mobile phone, mobile communications, cordless phone, personal
Çeleğen K et al. 2024 case-control study women, children, children in utero, 0–2 years January 2021 - May 2022 Turkey congenital anomalies of the kidney and urinary tract mobile communications, mobile phone
Zhao D et al. 2021 case-control study women, children in utero, newborns 2014 - 2016 China congenital heart diseases mobile communications, mobile phone, RF, microw. oven/heating device, magnetic field, induction cooker, PC/TV monitor, low frequency, other domestic appliance, intermediate frequency, shielding/field deprivation
Baste V et al. 2015 cohort study men, women, children in utero, newborns 1999 - 2009 Norway congenital malformation, perinatal mortality, low birth weight, preterm birth, small for gestational age, abruptio placentae, sex ratio, preeclampsia mobile phone, mobile communications
Zhu Y et al. 2016 - men, women 2008 - 2012 China depression and anxiety mobile phone, mobile communications
Divan HA et al. 2011 cohort study children, 0–7 years 1996 - 2002, 2008 Denmark developmental delays of motor, cognitive, and language milestones mobile phone, mobile communications, personal
Hallberg O et al. 2004 - men, women 1981 - 2002 Sweden, Norway and Denmark due to circulation and nervous system problems, prostate cancer, health indicators e.g., sick-days, long-term sick, rehabilitation days, health cost increase mobile communications, digital mobile phone, mobile phone base station, GSM, personal
Hallberg Ö 2007 - men, women 1981 - 2002 Sweden due to external causes (accidents, car crashes, murder, etc.) and Alzheimer disease, health indicators e.g., sick-days, long-term sick, rehabilitation days, health cost increase mobile communications, digital mobile phone, mobile phone base station, GSM, residential
Augner C et al. 2009 survey men, women, 18–67 years not stated Austria electromagnetic hypersensitivity, EMF-health concerns; biological parameters alpha-amylase, cortisol, immunoglobulin A, and substance P mobile phone base station, mobile communications, residential
Sudan M et al. 2016 cohort study women, children in utero, 7–11 years 1996 - 2002, follow-up at the age of 7 and 11 years Denmark emotional and behavioural difficulties mobile communications, mobile phone
Guxens M et al. 2019 cross-sectional study children, 5 years 2003 - 2010 The Netherlands emotional and behavioural problems mobile communications, mobile phone, mobile phone base station, GSM, UMTS, cordless phone, W-LAN/WiFi, also other exposures without EMF
Hwang Y et al. 2016 cross-sectional study men, women, children, 14–18 years 2013 Korea eye symptoms: vision blurring, redness, visual disturbance, secretion, inflammation, lacrimation and dryness mobile phone, mobile communications
Al-Quzwini OF et al. 2016 case-control study men 2014 - 2015 Iraq fertility (sperm quality) mobile communications, mobile phone base station
Boileau N et al. 2020 - children in utero, newborns 2014 - 2017 France fetal growth, APGAR score, malformations, birth weight and head circumference mobile communications, mobile phone