Study overviews

Mobile phone related articles are

Please note that a publication can be assigned to several endpoints, i.e. the sum of publications from the individual thematic points and subpoints can be greater than the total sum of actual publications.

Experimental studies on mobile communications

1716 studies in total
  1. 749 studies
  2. 571 studies
  3. 514 studies
  4. 225 studies
  5. 206 studies
  6. 118 studies


749 studies in total
  1. 152 studies
  2. 92 studies
  3. 85 studies
  4. 81 studies
  5. 77 studies
  6. 61 studies
  7. 58 studies
  8. 54 studies
  9. 54 studies
  10. 47 studies
  11. 33 studies
  12. 26 studies
  13. 25 studies
  14. 19 studies
  15. 16 studies
  16. 10 studies
  17. 9 studies
  18. 4 studies
Authors Year Exposed system Endpoints Frequency range SAR Exposure duration Parameters
Geronikolou S et al. 2014 invertebrate, <i>Drosophila melanogaster</i>/Oregon R (adults and pupae), whole body quantity of oviposition 864.1–868.1 MHz 0.7–5 mW/kg continuous for 20 min/day for 5 days mobile phone, GSM, mobile communications, cordless phone
Grigoriev YG et al. 2010 animal, rat - 2,450 MHz - - mobile communications, mobile phone, mobile phone base station, GSM, 2.45 GHz
Ikinci A et al. 2013 animal, rat/Sprague-Dawley, whole body: <i>in utero</i> hippocampus morphology and learning behavior in rat pups 900 MHz - continuous for 1 h/day from day 13 to 21 of pregnancy mobile phone, mobile communications
Ingole IV et al. 2012 animal, hen eggs (<i>Gallus domesticus</i> ) - 900 MHz - - mobile communications, mobile phone
Islam MS et al. 2023 animal, chicken eggs (Indian River) - 2,100 MHz - - mobile communications, mobile phone, 4G
Jing J et al. 2012 animal, rat/Wistar, whole body: antenna close to the ear level of neurotransmitters and oxidative stress in the brain - 0.9 W/kg 3 times per day (3 x 10, 30 or 60 min) for 20 days during gestation mobile phone, mobile communications, microwaves
Khayat S et al. 2023 animal, rat/Wistar (<i>in utero</i>) - 900 MHz - - mobile communications, mobile phone, RF
Khira R et al. 2024 animal, zebrafish embryos (<i>Danio rerio</i>) - 1,800 MHz - - mobile communications, mobile phone, 4G
Kilic A et al. 2023 animal, rat/Wistar albino (adults and young animal) - 900 MHz - - mobile communications, mobile phone, GSM
Klug S et al. 1997 rat embryo culture teratogenicity 150 MHz 0.2–5 W/kg continuous for 36 h digital mobile phone, mobile communications, RF
Koohestanidehaghi Y et al. 2023 animal, mouse/NMRI (embryo) - 900–1,800 MHz - - mobile communications, mobile phone
Kıran D et al. 2017 animal, rat/Wistar albino (<i>in utero</i> and young animals) - 1,800 MHz - - mobile communications, digital mobile phone, mobile phone
Lee HJ et al. 2009 animal, mouse/ICR, whole body teratogenicity (mortality, growth retardation, head size, morphological malformations) 848.5 MHz 2–7.13 W/kg continuous 2 times 45 min/day, separated by 15 min, throughout gestation (17 days) mobile phone, CDMA, mobile communications, RF
Lerchl A et al. 2020 animal, mouse/C3H/HeNCrl x C57Bl/6N - 1,960 MHz - - mobile communications, mobile phone, UMTS, also other exposures without EMF, co-exposure
Luo Q et al. 2013 human protein expression in chorionic villous tissue 900 MHz 1.46–8.8 W/kg continuous for 20 min. (according to "materials and methods" section) or 1 h (according to abstract)? mobile phone, GSM, mobile communications
Magras IN et al. 1997 animal, mouse/BALB/c/f, whole body teratogenicity 88.5–950 MHz 1.936 µW/g 5 pregnancies mobile communications, RF, Radio/TV transmitter, TV broadcast (VHF/UHF), FM broadcast (UKW), AM radio transmitters, SW broadcast (KW)
Margaritis LH et al. 2014 invertebrate, <i>Drosophila melanogaster</i>/Oregon-R (wildtype) and <i>Drosophila virilis</i> reproduction of <i>Drosophila spec.</i> (apoptosis in follicles; quantification of F1 pupae) 27.15 MHz 1.2 W/kg 6 or 12 minutes daily for 1 (3rd day of experiment only), or 3 days (<i>D. virilis</i>) (follicles); 6 minutes daily for 7 days (<i>D. virilis</i>) (F1 pupae) mobile phone, GSM, mobile communications, CW continuous wave, Bluetooth, DECT, W-LAN/WiFi, FM broadcast (UKW), microw. oven/heating device
Moghimi A et al. 2009 animal, mouse/BALB/c - - - - GSM, mobile communications, mobile phone, microwaves, RF
Nik Abdull Halim NMH et al. 2024 invertebrate, yellow fever mosquito (<i>Aedes aegypti</i>) (eggs) - 900 MHz–18 GHz - - mobile communications, 5G, millimeter waves, RF
Odaci E et al. 2013 animal, rat/Sprague-Dawley, whole body spinal cord morphology and motor activity in young rats 900 MHz - intermittent for 1 hour/day from day 13 to 21 of pregnancy mobile phone, mobile communications
Ogawa K et al. 2009 animal, rat/Sprague-Dawley CD IGS, partial body: head embryogenesis 1.95 GHz 0.11–7 W/kg 90 min/day from day 7 to day 17 of gestation mobile phone, CDMA, mobile communications
Ozgur E et al. 2013 animal, rabbit/New Zealand, whole body: prenatal and/or postnatal blood parameters, lipid peroxidation 1,800 MHz - 15 min/day for 7 days in pregnant animals (between 15th and 22nd day of gestation), for 7 days in female infants and for 14 days in male infants mobile phone, GSM, mobile communications
Pawlak K et al. 2014 animal, chicken embryos (eggs) - 1,800 MHz - - mobile phone, GSM, mobile communications, RF
Pawlak K et al. 2018 animal, chicken embryos (eggs) - 1,800 MHz - - mobile communications, GSM
Pecoraro R et al. 2023 animal, zebrafish embryos (<i>Danio rerio</i>) - 27 GHz - - 5G, mobile communications