研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (experimental study)

[ヒト軟骨体外移植片に対するパルス電磁界の軟骨保護作用] med./bio.

Chondroprotective effects of pulsed electromagnetic fields on human cartilage explants

掲載誌: Bioelectromagnetics 2011; 32 (7): 543-551

【目的】骨関節炎(OA)の患者から採取したヒト関節軟骨体外移植片のプロテオグルカン(PG)代謝に対するパルス電磁界の作用を調べること。【方法】大腿骨外側顆および内側顆から再生されたヒト軟骨体外移植片を用いて実験を行った(国際軟骨修復学会(ICRS)の分類法およびアウターブリッジスコア(OAグレード)にしたがった)。インターロイキン-1β(IL-1β)有りおよび無しの条件下で培養された体外移植片に、パルス磁界(1.5 mT、75 Hz)またはインスリン成長因子(IGF-I)の単独または組み合わせでの1日および7日間のばく露を行い、PGの合成と放出を測定した。【結果】OAグレードIの体外移植片では、7日間のパルス磁界、IGF-I ばく露により、対照と比較して35S硫酸塩取り込みがそれぞれ49% 、53%有意に上昇し、IL-1β(0.01 ng/ml)の阻害効果を相殺した。パルス磁界とIGF-I の組み合わせばく露は全ての実験条件において加算的であった。OAグレードIIIの体外移植片でも同様の結果が得られた。【結論】パルス磁界およびIGF-Iは軟骨体外移植片(OAグレードIおよびIII)の同化作用を増進し、PG合成を増加させ、IL-1βの異化作用を相殺する。我々は、パルス磁界およびIGF-Iは両方ともヒト関節軟骨、特に骨関節炎の初期段階のものに対して軟骨保護作用があるという仮説を提出する。

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To examine whether pulsed electromagnetic fields (PEMF) alone and in combination with the insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) have a chondroprotective effect on human cartilage.


The insulin-like growth factor I (IGF-I) has an anabolic effect in chondrocyte metabolism. Amongst others, IGF-I increases the synthesis of proteoglycan. Previous studies (for example: De Mattei et al., 2004, De Mattei et al., 2001) indicated a similar effect induced by low frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields. To further examine this hypothesis, cartilage samples were exposed and treated with IGF-I and interleukin-1ß (IL-1ß, plays a role in cartilage destruction, suppresses the synthesis of proteoglycan) alone or in combination for 1 or 7 days.
Human cartilage samples were obtained from 13 patients with knee osteoathritis undergoing total knee replacement. The stage of osteoarthritis was scored and the cartilage samples were classified. The samples with slight degenerations were obtained from all patients, while the severe cartilage degeneration samples were obtained from only 4 patients.



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露1: 75 Hz
ばく露時間: continuous for 1 or 7 days


周波数 75 Hz
  • magnetic field
  • pulsed
ばく露時間 continuous for 1 or 7 days
Additional information pulse duration: 1.3 ms; duty cycle 0.1
チャンバの詳細 a pair of circular Helmoltz coils made of copper wire, placed opposite to each other and in a signal generator; multiwell plates were placed between this pair of Helmoltz coils so that the plane of the coils was perpendicular to the multiwell plates
Sham exposure A sham exposure was conducted.
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
磁束密度 1.5 mT peak 測定値 - -
電界強度 0.051 mV/cm - 測定値 - -

Reference articles

  • De Mattei M et al. (2009): [ウシ滑膜線維芽細胞内のプロスタグランジンE2放出を抑制するアデノシン類似体および電磁界]
  • Varani K et al. (2008): [低周波数低エネルギーパルス電磁界にばく露されたウシ軟骨細胞および線維芽細胞様滑膜細胞内のアデノイシン受容体の特性評価]
  • De Mattei M et al. (2007): [低周波数、低強度のパルス電磁界にばく露されたウシ移植関節軟骨のプロテオグリカン合成]
  • De Mattei M et al. (2003): [ニワトリの偽関節移植のプロテオグリカン代謝に対する電磁界の影響]
  • De Mattei M et al. (2001): [パルス電磁界がヒトの人工軟骨細胞増殖に与える影響]


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • ばく露後


After 7 days, PEMF exposure or IGF-I treatment alone led to a significant increase in the synthesis of proteoglycan in comparison to the control samples, while a combination of exposure and IGF-I treatment significantly increased the amount of proteoglycan synthesis. After 1 day of incubation, only the combination of exposure and IGF-I increased the proteoglycan synthesis in the cartilage explants significantly in comparison to the control. No significant changes in the proteoglycan release in the culture medium by PEMF exposure or IGF-I addition were observed.
After 7 days of incubation, treatment with IL-1ß led to a significant decrease in proteoglycan synthesis in comparison to the control. This effect was significantly attenuated by exposure or IGF-I treatment and even more by a combination of both when a concentration of 0.01 ng/ml IL-1ß was used. No PEMF exposure- or IGF-I-related effects were seen when the concentration of IL-1ß was 10 ng/ml. No significant differences in the lactate production in the culture media at all IL-1ß doses were found compared to the control group.
The authors conclude that pulsed electromagnetic fields could have a chondroprotective effect on human cartilage, especially in combination with IGF-I.


