BGBl I (66): 1966-1968
Cancer Causes Control 7 Suppl 1: S49-S54
Brinkmann K, Kärner HC, Schaefer H
VDE-Verlag; ISBN 978-3-8007-2106-1
Allen SG, Blackwell RP, Chadwick PJ, Driscoll CMH, Pearson AJ, Unsworth C, Whillock MJ, NRPB
National Radiological Protection Board
National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB),
Documents of the NRPB, Volume 5 No.2: 1-81
National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB),
Documents of the NRPB, Volume 4 No.5: 1-69, ISBN 978-0-85951-366-1
United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA),
402-R-92-008: 1-32, ISBN 978-0-16-036282-8
Med Device Technol 3 (4): 50-51
National Radiological Protection Board (NRPB),
Documents of the NRPB, Volume 3 No.1: 1-138
Duchêne AS, Lakey JRA, Repacholi MH, International Radiation Protection Association (IRPA) (eds.): Pergamon Press, Oxford; ISBN 978-0-08-036097-3