研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (experimental study)

[地球物理学的変数と行動:地磁気の連続脈動を模擬的に設計した磁気パターンに周産期ばく露したラットの傍神経核内のニューロン数のXcix.(99位)減少:乳児突然死への意味合い] med./bio.

Geophysical variables and behavior: XCIX. Reductions in numbers of neurons within the parasolitary nucleus in rats exposed perinatally to a magnetic pattern designed to imitate geomagnetic continuous pulsations: implications for sudden infant death

掲載誌: Percept Mot Skills 2004; 98 (3): 958-966

この研究は、ラットに、出生の2日前から出生後7日目まで、強度がnT範囲またはμT範囲の0.5 Hz方形波パルス磁界への連続的ばく露を与え、その影響を調べた。磁界は、東西(E-W)または南北(N-S)方向のどちらかで発生させた。その結果、21日齢で、nT範囲の東西方向、あるいはμT範囲の東西または南北方向の磁界ばく露群において、nT範囲の南北方向磁界ばく露群に比べ、延髄の傍孤束核の面積が著しく小さく、ニューロンの数が少なかった;これらの知見は、特定の方向のnT磁界が地域的地磁気と相互作用して、脳幹内構造での細胞移動に影響する可能性を示唆する、と報告している。

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To investigate the effects of magnetic field exposure on neuron development in rat brain.


Rats were continously exposed to pulsed magnetic fields from two days before birth to one week after birth. At three weeks of age tissue slices of a special part of the brain (the parasolitary nucleus) were investigated.



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露1: 500 mHz
Modulation type: pulsed
ばく露時間: continuous for 9 days ( 2 days befor and 7 days after birth)


周波数 500 mHz
  • magnetic field
  • pulsed
ばく露時間 continuous for 9 days ( 2 days befor and 7 days after birth)
Modulation type pulsed
Pulse width 600 ms
Pulse type rectangular
Additional information

wave onset (transient spike) with a rise time between 1.5 and 3.5 µs and offset (similar spike) with opposite polarity

ばく露装置の詳細 two aluminum racks seperated by 2 m and arranged in either east-west or north-south direction, wrapped with 72 turns of 30-gauge copper wire Rats were exposed in plastic cages where the magnetic field was perpendicular to the horizontal plane.
Additional information The amplitude of the magnetic fields changed every 30 min and were applied in the following order: 870 nT, 1.04 µT, 1.3 µT, 1.77 µT, 1.33 µT, 1.04 µT and 8 nT. This order was called one cycle and each day such six cycles were applied.
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
磁束密度 870 nT unspecified 測定値 - -
磁束密度 1.04 µT unspecified 測定値 - -
磁束密度 1.3 µT unspecified 測定値 - -
磁束密度 1.77 µT unspecified 測定値 - -
磁束密度 1.33 µT unspecified 測定値 - -


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • ばく露後


The parasolitary nucleus was found to be significantly smaller, and the number of neurones were significantly reduced in exposed rats. The results of this study suggest that magnetic fields, when applied in a nano-Tesla range and in a specific direction, might interact with the local geomagnetic field to affect cell structures in the rat brain.

