研究のタイプ: 疫学研究 (observational study)

[女性の健康イニシアチブ(WHI)観察コホートにおける電気毛布(EB)使用と甲状腺がんのリスク] epidem.

Electric Blanket Use and Risk of Thyroid Cancer in the Women's Health Initiative Observational Cohort

掲載誌: Women Health 2015; 55 (7): 829-841


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A cohort study was conducted in the USA to investigate the association between electric blanket use and thyroid cancer incidence in women.


The definition of electric blanket was inclusive of electric heating pad, electric mattress pad, and heated water bed in addition to blankets.


リスク推定のタイプ: (hazard ratio)




グループ 説明
集団 1 ever electric blanket use: no
集団 2 ever electric blanket use: yes
参照集団 3 former/current use: never
集団 4 former/current use: former
集団 5 former/current use: current
参照集団 6 type of use: never
集団 7 type of use: warming up only
集団 8 type of use: most of the time
参照集団 9 years of use: never/warming up only
集団 10 years of use: < 1
集団 11 years of use: 1 - 4
集団 12 years of use: 5 - 9
集団 13 years of use: 10 - 19
集団 14 years of use: ≥ 20
参照集団 15 total months of use: never/warming up only
集団 16 total use: 0 - 12.5 months (1st quartile)
集団 17 total use: 12,5 - 35 months (2nd quartile)
集団 18 total use: 35 - 100 months (3rd quartile)
集団 19 total use: 100 - 200 months (4th quartile)
参照集団 20 total use: never/warming up only
集団 21 total use: 0 - 2520 hours (1st quartile)
集団 22 total use: 2520 - 7350 hours (2nd quartile)
集団 23 total use: 7350 - 18000 hours (3rd quartile)
集団 24 total use: 18000 - 66000 hours (4th quartile)



合計 89,527

1,092,578 person-years of follow-up

統計学的分析方法: (調整: )


During a mean follow-up of 12.2 years, 190 incident cases of thyroid cancer were identified. Overall, 57% of the participants reported the use of electric blankets while sleeping and/or for warming the bed before sleep.
No association was found between use of electric blankets and subsequent risk of thyroid cancer (HR 0.98, CI 0.72-1.32). Duration of electric blanket use measured in years, months, or hours was not associated with the risk of thyroid cancer. These results did not change when the cases were limited to the most frequently occurring histologic type, namely papillary thyroid cancer.
The authors conclude that results of this study do not support possible health hazards of electric blankets in regards to thyroid cancer risk.

