Study type: Epidemiological study (observational study)

Mobile Phone Use and the Risk of Acoustic Neuroma epidem.

Published in: Epidemiology 2004; 15 (6): 653-659

Aim of study (acc. to author)

A population-based case-control study was conducted in Sweden to investigate the association between mobile phone use and the risk of acoustic neuroma.

Further details

Regular use of mobile phone was defined as use of a mobile phone on average once per week during 6 months or more.
The study is part of the INTERPHONE project.

Endpoint/type of risk estimation

Type of risk estimation: (odds ratio (OR))



Exposure groups

Group Description
Reference group 1 never or nonregular use
Group 2 regular use
Group 3 duration of use < 5 years
Group 4 duration of use 5-9 years
Group 5 duration of use ≥ 10 years
Group 6 time since first regular use < 5 years
Group 7 time since first regular use 5-9 years
Group 8 time since first regular use ≥ 10 years
Group 9 cumulative use < 30 hours
Group 10 cumulative use 30-449 hours
Group 11 cumulative use ≥ 450 hours
Group 12 cumulative use adjusted for hands-free use < 30 hours
Group 13 cumulative use adjusted for hands-free use 30-449 hours
Group 14 cumulative use adjusted for hands-free use ≥ 450 hours
Group 15 cumulative number of calls < 625
Group 16 cumulative number of calls 625-7349
Group 17 cumulative number of calls ≥ 7350
Group 18 digital phone regular use
Group 19 digital phone time since first regular use < 5 years
Group 20 digital phone time since first regular use ≥ 5 years
Group 21 analog phone regular use
Group 22 analog phone time since first regular use < 5 years
Group 23 analog phone time since first regular use 5-9 years
Group 24 analog phone time since first regular use ≥ 10 years
Group 25 ipsilateral exposure regular use
Group 26 ipsilateral exposure duration of regular use < 5 years
Group 27 ipsilateral exposure duration of regular use 5-9 years
Group 28 ipsilateral exposure duration of regular use ≥ 10 years
Group 29 ipsilateral exposure time since first regular use < 5 years
Group 30 ipsilateral exposure time since first regular use 5-9 years
Group 31 ipsilateral exposure time since first regular use ≥ 10 years
Group 32 contralateral exposure regular use
Group 33 contralateral exposure duration of regular use < 5 years
Group 34 contralateral exposure duration of regular use 5-9 years
Group 35 contralateral exposure duration of regular use &; 10 years
Group 36 contralateral exposure time since first regular use < 5 years
Group 37 contralateral exposure time since first regular use 5-9 years
Group 38 contralateral exposure time since first regular use ≥ 10 years


Case group

Control group

Study size

Cases Controls
Eligible 160 838
Participants 148 604
Participation rate 93 % 72 %
Statistical analysis method: (adjustment: )

Results (acc. to author)

The results did not show an increased risk of acoustic neuroma related to short-term mobile phone use. The data suggested an increased risk of acoustic neuroma for mobile phone use of at least 10 years' duration. The association was strongest for tumors on the same side of the head as the mobile phone was normally held.

Study funded by

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