研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (experimental study)

[週に1回のバースト磁界処置はその2セッション後に高架式十字迷路タスクでの行動を変化させる] med./bio.

Weekly treatments with a burst-firing magnetic field alters behavior in the elevated plus maze after two sessions

掲載誌: Percept Mot Skills 2004; 98 (3) Pt 1: 983-984

この研究は、ヒトのうつ病軽減に利用されているバースト発火磁界(1 μT)の効果をラットで実験的に調べた。同腹仔を分割する実験デザインで、生後8〜21日目のラットにクロミプラミン(抗うつ薬)または生理食塩水を15 mg / kg注射し、同腹の他のラットには何も注射しなかった。90日齢で、高架式十字迷路(2本の壁無しオープンアームと2本の壁付きアームで構成されている)で、週に1回、5週間、ラット行動テストを実施した。毎回のテストの後、30分間のバースト発火磁界ばく露を行なった(合計4回のばく露)。その結果、2回のばく露処理を行なった後、バースト発火磁界ばく露群は擬似ばく露群に比べ、オープンアームで約半分の時間を費やした;成獣期の磁界ばく露の有無と離乳前の抗うつ薬投与の有無との相互作用は、統計的に有意ではなかった、と報告している。

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To study the sensitivity of rats to a burst-firing magnetic fields long after administration of a drug (clomipramine) that altered permanently brain chemistry.
Rats exposed to a weak specifically patterned magnetic field for 30 min have shown previously significantly diminished fear conditioning (publication 4797). The authors reasoned that early administration of the antidepressant compound would increase the sensitivity of the rats' maze behavior to this particular pattern of magnetic field stimulation and would require several exposures.


Rats were either injected with clomipramine (15 mg/kg) or saline from postnatal days 8 through 21. When the animals were 90 days of age, they were tested once per week for five weeks in an elevated plus maze. Following each test, rats were exposed (total of 4 exposures) for 30 min. to a burst-firing magnetic field that has been shown to reduce depression in human beings.



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露時間: A total of four 30 min exposure


  • magnetic field
ばく露時間 A total of four 30 min exposure
チャンバの詳細 Plastic cage/ 1700 cm³
Additional information Burst firing magnetic field was applied once every 4 sec
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
磁束密度 1 µT unspecified 指定なし - -


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • ばく露後


After two treatments, the animals exposed to the burst-firing fields (without antidepressant compound treatment) spent about half the amount of time in the open arms of the maze compared to the sham-field exposed rats. The interaction between adult magnetic field treatment and whether the animals had received the antidepressant compound before weaning was not significant statistically.
The findings did not support the authors' hypothesis that early administration of the antidepressant compound increased the sensitivity of the animals' maze behavior. However, the data clearly indicate that at least two weekly sessions may be required before any significant behavioral effects are evident.


