研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (experimental study)

[電磁放射にばく露したアリにおける食物収集とフェロモンに対する反応] med./bio.

Food collection and response to pheromones in an ant species exposed to electromagnetic radiation

掲載誌: Electromagn Biol Med 2013; 32 (3): 315-332

この研究は、アリ(Myrmica sabuleti)をモデルに用いて、社会的な昆虫のフェロモンに対する反応および食物収集に対する電磁波のインパクトを調査した。食物の手掛かり、ならびにマーキングおよび警告フェロモンに対する働きアリの反応を、通常条件下で定量化した。次に、同じ反応を電磁波の影響力下で定量化した。その結果、電磁波の影響力下では、アリは短距離の手掛かりのみに追従し、マークされた場所に辿り着けず、警告フェロモンの発生源に向かうことができなかった。電磁波にばく露されると、巣に戻ることも、同行者を募ることもできなくなった;このため、食物を収集するアリの数は僅かに、かつ緩慢にしか増加しなかった。ばく露の180時間後、コロニーは衰退した。著者らは、電磁放射は社会的昆虫の行動生理学に明らかに影響を及ぼす、と結論付けている。

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The effects of exposure to a 900 MHz electromagnetic field on the pheromone response and social food collection behavior of ants should be investigated.


6 colonies of Myrmica sabuleti ants were used to study the effects of exposure to the electromagnetic field by comparing their behavior before (control) and during/after exposure. These ants had been used in a previous study by the authors (Cammaerts et al. 2012) and had already been exposed to electromagnetic fields there. To ensure their suitability for the present study, their behavior was compared with ants never experimentally exposed to electromagnetic fields prior to exposure. Only slight differences were found and the colonies were deemed adequate.
The exposure consisted of 3 periods of 60 h (12 hours prior to and 2 days during each experiments on pheromone response) and one period of 18 h (12 hours prior to and 6 hours during the test on food collection) with a delay of 3 days between each period.
A pheromone is a chemical factor for information transfer between members of the same species.



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露1: 900 MHz
Modulation type: CW
ばく露時間: continuous for 3 x 60 hours and 1 x 18 hours at intervals of 3 days each


周波数 900 MHz
  • electromagnetic field
  • linear
ばく露時間 continuous for 3 x 60 hours and 1 x 18 hours at intervals of 3 days each
Modulation type cf. additional information, CW
Additional information

Gaussian Minimum Shift Keying (GMSK) was modulated in accordance to the GSM standard

  • omni-patch antenna
Distance between exposed object and exposure source 1 m
ばく露装置の詳細 a vector signal generator with two channels produced the signal; each channel delivered horizontally polarized electromagnetic waves to three nests over an antenna ; the manufacturer stipulated that the radiation pattern was unidirectional; electrical field pattern over the ants was uniform
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
電界強度 1 V/m - 推定値 - or 0.77 V/m (?)
電力密度 1.6 mW/m² - 推定値 - -


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • ばく露前
  • ばく露中
  • ばく露後


The responses to the pheromone trail, area-marking pheromone and alarm pheromone as well as the ability for social food collection were significantly deteriorated in exposed ants compared to before the exposure. Exposed ants followed marked trails for only short distances, did not recognize marked areas, no longer orientated themselves to a source of alarm pheromone and became unable to return to their nest during food collection and recruit helpers.
The authors conclude that exposure to a 900 MHz electromagnetic field might impair pheromone response and social food collection behavior in ants.


