研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (experimental study)

[GSM900 MHz放射はアリの餌場とそこにたどり着く手がかりとの関連付けを阻害する] med./bio.

GSM 900 MHz radiation inhibits ants' association between food sites and encountered cues

掲載誌: Electromagn Biol Med 2012; 31 (2): 151-165

本研究では、アリのコロニー6つを用いて、餌にたどり着くために嗅覚及び視覚による手がかりを使用する能力を条件付け訓練により獲得する過程、及び訓練を中止した後に能力を喪失する過程を観察対象として、それぞれの過程に対する電磁界(GSM及び通信アンテナ周囲と同程度)の影響を観察した。電磁界照射下での条件付け訓練(数日間)では、餌と嗅覚または視覚による手がかりとの関連付けは起きなかった。回復期の後、電磁界照射なしで訓練した結果、アリはこの関連付けを行うことができたが期待されるスコアを達成することはできなかった。この段階のアリに対し、再度電磁波を照射した結果、関連付けの記憶を通常より短い期間で全て喪失した。通常は10%維持される視覚記憶も全て喪失し、GSM 900MHz電磁界の影響は、嗅覚記憶に対するよりも、視覚記憶に対する方が大きかったと、報告している。

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To examine the effect of GSM 900 MHz exposure on the ants' association between food sites and olfactory and visual cues.


Six ant colonies were exposed for 102 hours days at GSM 900 MHz and simultaneously conditioned to an olfactory stimulus (fennel). After a break of exposure for 36 h the colonies were again exposed for six days and the ants were simultaneously conditioned to a visual stimulus (green hollow cube). Again the exposure was stopped for 30 hours. Then, the ants were trained to an olfactory stimulus without exposure for five days. Afterwards, the colonies were exposed for 36 hours, followed by a break of exposure of 30 hours. Finally, the colonies were trained to a visual stimulus without exposure for seven days and afterwards exposed for two days.
The ants were tested during exposure, after a recovery period and again under exposure.
Physiological condition was observed, but not quantified.
The behaviour under normal conditions was described in a previous study. No sham exposed colonies were trained and tested in this study.



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露1: 900 MHz
Modulation type: pulsed
ばく露時間: see add. information


周波数 900 MHz
  • electromagnetic field
ばく露時間 see add. information
Additional information horizontally polarized
Modulation type pulsed
Additional information


  • omni-patch antennae
ばく露装置の詳細 two omni-patch antennae with a gain of 1.6, each radiating the field over three nests
Additional information exposure time pattern: 4.5 days on, 1.5 days off, 6 days on, 30 h off + 5 days training without EMF, 1.5 days on, 30 h off + 7 days training without EMF, 2 days on
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
電力 10 mW - - - 10 dBm
電力密度 0.795 mW/m² - - - -
電界強度 1 V/m - 計算値 - over each nest


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • ばく露前
  • ばく露中
  • ばく露後


The exposed ants showed deficiencies in the ability of the association between food sites and encountered cues in comparison to never exposed ants: Exposed ants failed to acquire the ability of associating olfactory or visual stimuli and food. After exposure and a 30 h recovery period, the ants were able to make this association, but never reached the score of unexposed ants. When these ants were exposed and trained at the same time, they lost the learned association between food and olfactory or visual clues, even more rapidly than never exposed ants. The effect of exposure to GSM 9000 MHz was greater on the visual memory than the olfactory one.
Additionally, the authors observed that the physiological constitution of exposed colonies showed deficiencies in the movement of the workers, the feeding frequency and the development of the brood in comparison to those never exposed.


