研究のタイプ: 疫学研究 (observational study)

[記憶タスク成績、無線通信すること、および無線周波数電磁界へのばく露:思春期層の前向きコホート研究] epidem.

Memory performance, wireless communication and exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields: A prospective cohort study in adolescents

掲載誌: Environ Int 2015; 85: 343-351


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A prospective cohort study was conducted in Switzerland to investigate whether memory performance in adolescents is affected by cumulative exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields from wireless communication devices.


Memory performance was assessed with a standardized, computerized cognitive test battery (Intelligenz-Struktur-Test 2000R).
Further results of the HERMES (Health Effects Related to Mobile phonE use in adolescentS) study are published on behavioral problems and concentration capacity by Roser et al. (2016), on well-being in relation to fixed site transmitters by Schoeni et al. (2016) and on subjective symptoms associated with mobile phone use Schoeni et al. (2016).






グループ 説明
参照集団 1 self-reported duration data traffic on mobile phone (min/day): ≤ median (low)
集団 2 self-reported duration data traffic on mobile phone (min/day): > 50th - ≤ 75th percentile (medium)
集団 3 self-reported duration data traffic on mobile phone (min/day): > 75th percentile (high)
参照集団 4 self-reported duration cordless phone calls (min/day): ≤ median (low)
集団 5 self-reported duration cordless phone calls (min/day): > 50th - ≤ 75th percentile (medium)
集団 6 self-reported duration cordless phone calls (min/day): > 75th percentile (high)
参照集団 7 self-reported duration mobile phone calls (min/day): ≤ median (low)
集団 8 self-reported duration mobile phone calls (min/day): > 50th - ≤ 75th percentile (medium)
集団 9 self-reported duration mobile phone calls (min/day): > 75th percentile (high)
参照集団 10 operator data- based volume data traffic on mobile phone (MB/day): ≤ median (low)
集団 11 operator data- based volume data traffic on mobile phone (MB/day): > 50th - ≤ 75th percentile (medium)
集団 12 operator data- based volume data traffic on mobile phone (MB/day): > 75th percentile (high)
参照集団 13 operator data- based duration mobile phone calls (min/day): ≤ median (low)
集団 14 operator data- based duration mobile phone calls (min/day): > 50th - ≤ 75th percentile (medium)
集団 15 operator data- based duration mobile phone calls (min/day): > 75th percentile (high)



参加者 439
参加率 19 %
評価可能 425
統計学的分析方法: (調整: )


Cumulative exposure over one year was related to a decrease in figural memory performance in relation to various radiofrequency electromagnetic field dose measures. No association was observed for verbal memory performance.
The authors concluded that a change in memory performance over one year was negatively associated with cumulative duration of mobile phone and cordless phone use and more strongly with radiofrequency electromagnetic field dose. This may indicate that exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields affects memory performance.

