Correlation between pulsed electromagnetic fields exposure time and cell proliferation increase in human osteosarcoma cell lines and human normal osteoblast cells in vitro
[Korrelation zwischen der Expositionszeit gepulster elektromagnetischer Felder und dem Anstieg der Zellproliferation in humanen Osteosarkom Zelllinien und normalen humanen Osteoblasten Zelllinien]
De Mattei M, Caruso A, Traina GC, Pezzetti F, Baroni T, Sollazzo V
Wei Y et al.
Effects of extremely low-frequency-pulsed electromagnetic field on different-derived osteoblast-like cells
Sul AR et al.
Effects of sinusoidal electromagnetic field on structure and function of different kinds of cell lines
Glück B et al.
Inhibition of proliferation of human lymphoma cells U937 by a 50 Hz electromagnetic field
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