All-night exposure to EMF does not alter urinary melatonin, 6-OHMS or immune measures in older men and women
[EMF Exposition während der gesamten Nacht verändert nicht das Melatonin im Urin, das Hydroxymelatoninsulfat oder die Immunsystem-Parameter bei älteren Männern und Frauen]
Graham C, Sastre A, Cook MR, Gerkovich MM
Veröffentlicht in: J Pineal Res 2001; 31 (2): 109-113
Ichinose TY et al.
Immune markers and ornithine decarboxylase activity among electric utility workers
Kurokawa Y et al.
Acute exposure to 50 Hz magnetic fields with harmonics and transient components: Lack of effects on nighttime hormonal secretion in men
Warman GR et al.
Acute exposure to circularly polarized 50-Hz magnetic fields of 200-300 microT does not affect the pattern of melatonin secretion in young men
Crasson M et al.
Daytime 50 Hz magnetic field exposure and plasma melatonin and urinary 6-sulfatoxymelatonin concentration profiles in humans
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