この研究は、GSM無線周波電磁界(900 MHz–1.8 GHz)のばく露が想定されたバイエルン州の17の牧場で、乳牛の唾液中コルチゾール濃度を測定した。各牧場でばく露レベルを測定し、低ばく露牧場と高ばく露牧場(140-160 mV/m)を区別した。その結果、唾液サンプルを用いて、各乳牛の4時間にわたるコルチゾールプロファイルが測定された;高ばく露牧場の乳牛は、低ばく露牧場の乳牛に比べ、コルチゾール濃度が高く、かつ持続していた、と報告している。[ドイツ語論文である]
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Cows salivary cortisol levels were measured on 17 dairy farms in Bavaria under exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields of mobile phone networks.
Data are intended to give an impression of the stress situation of the animals (via cortisol secretion). The investigation differentiated between low-exposure and high-exposure farms. Five cows per farm were treated intravenously with adrenocorticotropic hormone. By means of saliva samples a cortisol profile over four hours was then determined.
Under chronic stress situation the adrenal cortex activity is increased. Therefore, the organism response to a exogenous stressor (stimulated via ACTH administration) by an increase of the peripheral cortisol level.
ばく露 | パラメータ |
900 MHz–1.8 GHz
Modulation type:
周波数 | 900 MHz–1.8 GHz |
タイプ |
ばく露時間 | continuous |
Modulation type | pulsed |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
Additional information | 17 Bavarian dairy farms were investigated. The cows were divided into 4 groups: Group A and B served as exposure groups and C and D as control groups. Group A was under the highest exposure conditions whereas group D was under the lowest. |
測定量 | 値 | 種別 | Method | Mass | 備考 |
電界強度 | 160 mV/m | maximum | 測定値 | - | - |
Highly exposed cows had a higher and more sustained cortisol level than animals with exposure of a lower level. Therefore it is concluded that cows with prolonged exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields are chronically stressed. This could lead to a higher susceptibility to diseases.