この研究は、ボランティアが誘発研究において、100 Hzパルス変調マイクロ波(MW)ばく露が心拍変動(HRV)に与える影響を調べた。25人の被験者(37 - 79歳、男女(女性が80 %)、コロラド州)は、電磁過敏症(EHS)質問票に回答した。起立性HRVを記録した後、二重ブラインド化デザインで、コードレス電話から発生する2.4 GHマイクロ波へのばく露およびまたは擬似ばく露(それぞれ3分間)中に仰臥位HRVの継続的なリアルタイム監視を行った。その結果、質問票において、被験者は自分自身を非常に電磁感受性が高い(24%)、中程度(16%)、わずかに(16%)、敏感ではない(8%)、または不明(36%)と回答した;感受性が高いと主張した人(4人)が経験する上位10の症状は、物忘れ、集中困難、眼の問題、睡眠障害、体調不良感、頭痛、めまい、耳鳴り、慢性疲労、動悸であった;彼らが原因と考えている上位5つは、蛍光灯、アンテナ、携帯電話、Wi-Fi、およびコードレス電話であった;被験者の40 %が、100 Hzパルス変調マイクロ波ばく露に起因すると考えられるHRVの変化を示したと著者は判定した、と報告している。
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To study the effect of pulsed microwave exposure on heart rate variability in humans.
25 subjects participated (80 % females; age 37-79 years old).
周波数 | 2.4 GHz |
タイプ |
ばく露時間 | continuous for 3 min |
Modulation type | pulsed |
Repetition frequency | 100 Hz |
ばく露の発生源/構造 |
ばく露装置の詳細 | tests were done at two different locations (Golden and Boulder, Colorado, USA); GS Filters (Graham Stetzer filters, that filter frequencies between 4 kHz and 100 kHz) were installed at both locations before testing; phone (base station) placed 30 cm - 50 cm from the subject's head |
Sham exposure | A sham exposure was conducted. |
Results of the questionnaire: Based on self-assessments, participants classified themselves as extremely electrosensitive (24 %), moderately (n=16 %), slightly (16 %), not sensitive (8 %) or with no opinion (36 %) about their electrosensitivity. The top 10 symptoms experienced by those claiming to be electrosensitive include memory problems, difficulty concentrating, eye problems, sleep disorder, feeling unwell, headache, dizziness, tinnitus, chronic fatigue, and heart palpitations. The five most common objects allegedly causing sensitivity were fluorescent lights, antennas, mobile phones, WiFi, and cordless phones.
Data of the provocation study: 40 % of the subjects experienced some changes in their heart rate variability attributable to the pulsed microwave exposure. For some the response was extreme (tachycardia), for others moderate to mild (changes in sympathetic nervous system and/or parasympathetic nervous system) and for some there was no observable reaction either because of high adaptive capacity or because of systemic neurovegetative exhaustion.
This is the first study that documents immediate and dramatic changes in both heart rate and heart rate variability associated with microwave exposure at levels well below (0.5 %) guidelines in Canada and the United States (1000 µW/cm²).