研究のタイプ: 疫学研究 (observational study)

[超低周波電磁界にばく露した労働者での酸化ストレスに関する横断的研究] epidem.

A cross-sectional study on oxidative stress in workers exposed to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields

掲載誌: Int J Radiat Biol 2015; 91 (5): 420-425


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A cross-sectional study was conducted in China to investigate whether exposure to extremely low frequency magnetic fields could induce oxidative stress in workers regularly performing inspection tours close to voltage transformers and distribution power lines.






グループ 説明
参照集団 1 administrative staff: no exposure
集団 2 duration of magnetic field exposure: < 5 years
集団 3 duration of magnetic field exposure: ≥ 5 years
参照集団 4 8 h time-weighted average magnetic field strength: < 1.56 µT
集団 5 8 h time-weighted average magnetic field strength: 1.56 - 7.3 µT
集団 6 8 h time-weighted average magnetic field strength: > 7.3 µT



合計 700
評価可能 560


In the 500 kV and 220 kV areas, the magnetic flux density at the spots ranged from 0.62-30.19 µT (median 18.7 µT) and from 0.51-60.11 µT (median 17.7 µT), respectively. In comparison, the magnetic flux density ranged from 0.07 to 0.72 µT with a median of 0.21 µT in the environment of the administrative staff. The 8 h time-weighted average magnetic flux density of the workers was 7.3 µT (1.56-26.3 µT).
No significant changes of the investigated oxidative stress parameters were found between workers that regularly perform inspection tours close to voltage transformers and distribution power lines and administrative staff.
The authors conclude that continual exposure to extremely low frequency electromagnetic fields might not induce oxidative stress in workers from a power supply company.
