研究のタイプ: 疫学研究 (observational study)

[携帯電話基地局の無線周波電磁放射へのばく露と糖化ヘモグロビン(HbA1c)および2型糖尿病のリスクとの関連] epidem.

Association of Exposure to Radio-Frequency Electromagnetic Field Radiation (RF-EMFR) Generated by Mobile Phone Base Stations with Glycated Hemoglobin (HbA1c) and Risk of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

掲載誌: Int J Environ Res Public Health 2015; 12 (11): 14519-14528

この研究は、男子学生を対象に、携帯電話基地局無線周波電磁放射RF-EMFR)へのばく露と糖化ヘモグロビン(HbA1c)および2型糖尿病発症リスクとの関連を調査した。2つの学校(学校1、2)を選び、学校1から96名の男子(12-16歳)、学校2から63名の男子(12-17歳)を調査対象とした(まず両学校から125名を選出。最終的に対象者は合計159名になった)。学校から200mの距離のビル屋上にそれぞれ携帯電話基地局が設置されていた。RF-EMFR(925 MHz)レベルは、学校1では9.601 nW/cm²(高ばく露群)、学校2では1.909 nW/cm²であった(低ばく露群)。学生は1日6時間、週5日のばく露を受けた。全対象者から採血した。調査の結果、平均HbA1cレベルは、高ばく露群の方が低ばく露群より有意に高かった;将来の2型糖尿病発症リスク(体重、BMI、HbA1cなどの総合評価)も有意に高かった、と報告している。

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A cross-sectional study was conducted in Saudi-Arabia to evaluate the association between the exposure to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields generated by mobile phone base stations and glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and the risk of diabetes mellitus type 2.


Hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) reflects the average glucose concentration over the previous period of about 8 weeks. Increased levels are regarded as an independent and reliable marker for diabetes mellitus. Levels of 5.6 - 6.4 % are in the pre-diabetic range, levels ≥ 6.5 % are markers for diagnosing diabetes.
Blood samples were taken from all participants to determine the HbA1c level.
Students had been exposed to radiofrequency electromagnetic fields generated by mobile phone base stations for a duration of 6 h daily, five days in a week at both schools.


リスク推定のタイプ: (オッズ比(OR))




グループ 説明
集団 1 power flux density measured in school 1: 9.601 nW/cm2
集団 2 power flux density measured in school 2: 1.909 nW/cm2



合計 250
適格者 159


The mean HbA1c level was significantly higher for the students of school 1 (5.4 % ± 0.22) than for the students of school 2 (5.3 % ± 0.34). Moreover, 30 (31.3 %) students of school 1 had a higher risk of diabetes mellitus type 2 (HbA1c pre-diabetic ≥ 5.6 %) in comparison to the students of school 2 at which 17 (27%) students had a HbA1c ≥ 5.6 %.
The authors conclude that exposure to high radiofrequency electromagnetic fields generated by mobile phone base stations is associated with elevated levels of glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) and the risk of diabetes mellitus type 2.


