研究のタイプ: 医学/生物学の研究 (experimental study)

[新生児マウスに対する広帯域電磁界の奇形影響] med./bio.

Teratogenic effect of broad-band electromagnetic field on neonatal mice (Mus musculus)

掲載誌: J Environ Sci Health A Tox Hazard Subst Environ Eng 2003; 38 (11): 2465-2481

この研究は、Swiss Webster系統妊娠マウス(Mus musculus)に、18日目から連続的な電磁界ばく露を開始し、その1週間後に出生した仔マウスは21日齢まで母マウスと過ごし、その後は仔マウスのみに4週間継続してばく露を与え、母および仔マウスへの影響を調べた。個体(一時期は母仔)別に収容したプラスチックケージの上方と下方に置かれたアルミニウム板電極を用いて、広帯域(0 Hz - 25 MHz; 12.8 V/ m)電界をケージに印加した。その結果、21日齢のメスのマウスで、対照群に比べ、リンパ球の割合および総白血球数が有意に増加した;21日齢のオスのマウスで、リンパ腫細胞の数が多かった;過分葉好中球などの巨赤芽球性の変化がばく露マウスで観察された;対照の新生仔マウスの血液は、ばく露マウスの血液よりも粘性が高かった;母マウスでは、これらの血液学的パラメータについて、ばく露群と対照群の間に有意差がなかった;副腎皮質のさまざまな病理学的変化がそれぞれ、新生仔および母マウスで見られた;新生仔および母マウスにおいて、行動試験の成績にも、ばく露群の対照群で差が見られた、と報告している。

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To study the effects of common electromagnetic fields on developing embryos in six pregnant mice.


Pregnant mice were exposed to a continuous electromagnetic field beginning in the third week of pregnancy. After one week of exposure, the mice began to give birth. Mothers and their litters were maintained together in the same cages for 21 days. After this period, mothers and offspring were separated. Offspring were sacrificed. Mothers were left in the cages for four more weeks.



ばく露 パラメータ
ばく露1: 0 Hz–25 MHz
ばく露時間: exposure started on the 18th day of pregnancy; one week later, offspring was born and maintained together with their mothers for 21 days. After that, only the mothers were left to continue for another 4 weeks.


周波数 0 Hz–25 MHz
  • electromagnetic field
ばく露時間 exposure started on the 18th day of pregnancy; one week later, offspring was born and maintained together with their mothers for 21 days. After that, only the mothers were left to continue for another 4 weeks.
Modulation type cf. additional information
Additional information

The generated EMF had a continuous spectrum and a noisy character intended to simulate the EMF present in everyday life. The highest energy was delivered at low frequency.

  • broadband alternating current generator
ばく露装置の詳細 Each standard 7.5-inch plastic cage housing one animal and its offspring was placed between two electrodes: The output of the generator was connected to the aluminium grid cage cover serving as the upper electrode, and the bottom electrode was an aluminium plate serving as ground
Sham exposure A sham exposure was conducted.
測定量 種別 Method Mass 備考
電界強度 12.8 V/m unspecified 指定なし - -

Reference articles


方法 影響評価項目/測定パラメータ/方法

  • ばく露後


The results showed a significantly larger number of pathological changes in the offspring compared to mothers exposed to broadband, low intensity electromagnetic fields.
Histological and hematological data revealed gender specific responses in 21 day-old mice after in utero and postnatal continuous exposure: lymphocyte percentage and total white blood cell counts were significantly elevated in exposed female neonates compared to control mice. Lymphoma-like cells were seen in higher numbers in exposed male neonates.
In exposed mice, megaloblastic changes were observed. The blood from control neonatal mice was more viscous than that of exposed animals. The adult female mice showed no significant differences in the above hematologic parameters between exposed and control groups.
Histological study revealed different pathological changes in the adrenal cortex and in the adrenal medulla. Cystic proliferations were found in the cortical area of the thymus. In the medulla of the thymus, there was vacuolation, inflammation, or eosinophilic intracytoplasmic inclusions in exposed animals.
Behavioral differences occurred in both neonates and adult females. Control neonates were able to manipulate through a maze more quickly than exposed neonates; and control adult females displayed more thorough grooming behavior than exposed mothers, and maintained more distance between the nest and dropping location than did the exposed group.


